



Introduction to ants:

 Ants Ants are considered one of the most widespread creatures on Earth, and they are social insects that live in large groups, each of which consists of three categories:

 Winged males and females are queens and wingless workers.

Ants depend mainly for their food on dead or about to die insects, seeds, and herbs,

There is a special type of food called honeydew, which is taken from insects that secrete it directly, such as scale insects or manna, or it can be eaten from the surfaces of the leaves of the plants on which it is secreted.

Introduction to ant

Ants are one of the types of insects that are widely spread in this world.

The number of ants on the face of the Earth is estimated at approximately 1 quadrillion.

To clarify further, this number is equal to one million billion, while the number of ant species reaches 12 thousand species.

 Below is general information about ants and their classification

What does an ant do?

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according to the biological nomenclature system:

 Common name:

 ants k Scientific name:


Age rate:

Ants have a short life cycle, as male ants live for several days and die after mating, while queen ants live for several years, and ant workers live from a few weeks to a few months:


For animals.







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The original habitat of ants and their locations :

Ants originally appeared on Earth approximately 140-168 million years ago, during the Jurassic period.

That is, when dinosaurs began to appear and when plants were spores and conifers such as pine and ferns.

Ants were then in small numbers compared to other types of insects, then they began to spread widely and occupy large and diverse places to build colonies and store food.

With the climate transformations and changes that occurred in the world, ants survived, flourished, and multiplied to build the largest colonies on Earth and become the most widespread insects in the world, as they are found in abundance in tropical regions.

They also spread throughout the world until hardly any place is devoid of them.

Ants can be found in homes, agricultural lands, and various regions of the world.

Ants have the ability to confront environmental challenges, 

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which makes them resistant to the food of ants :

Ants need water and food to survive just like any other living organism.

Ants are carnivores and plants, which means they eat most digestible things.

They also benefit from all the foods they find in front of them to store food and feed the colony members.

What kills ants?

 Below are the most important nutrients that ants prefer:


Which ants find in all insects rich in protein, and its importance lies in the fact that it feeds the ants sufficiently for growth and spread.

The larvae and the queen ant feed on them, and the colony workers cut and chew foods and then feed them to the larvae to grow and grow.

One ant colony consumes 6 million insects throughout the year, whether they are dead.

Or alive by surrounding them, covering them, killing them, and then eating them.

Sugar and carbohydrates: These elements provide the ants with energy, and they also love and prefer sugar,

It is obtained by consuming juice, honey, sugar, and a solution of water with sugar, and consuming it in balanced quantities to

avoid death.

What does ant eat?

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 It is the basic element for survival.

Ants can live without food for a long time, but they cannot do so without water.

For example, tropical ants obtain water from leaf dew early in the morning, or from the walls of nests after moisture collects on them، He also always searches for an abundant source of water that is sufficient and stable.

Ants are often found on food scattered here and there on the floor and on the kitchen table.

They live in colonies that he builds inside the house, then he transports these foods and brings them into the colony, so that the young ants or larvae eat them to grow and grow.

They are also eaten by queens.

The ants that run this colony, or what is known as the ant house, and the ant group prefers to eat insects, sugars, and water.

The morphological characteristics of ants and their


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The external appearance of ants:

 Below is the most prominent information about ants that 

describes their external appearance:

 Body composition:

 The ant's body on the outside consists of three main sections: the head, chest, and abdomen.

Its exoskeleton is solid and tough, which makes it resistant to water.

This structure is made of a material called chitin that gives ants great strength.

Ants are distinguished by their strength compared to their very small size.

One ant can Carrying a piece of food weighing 10 times the ant's basic weight. 


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White ants

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Ants have large, compound eyes, in addition to a group of small, simple eyes that are located on the sides of the eye.

The task of this part is to sense light and shadow.


It is part of the ants' external structure, which is considered an alternative to the nose, through which you learn about the ants that live with them in the same colony and discover enemies with it.

When the ants find food, pheromones emerge from these antennas that create paths through smell to find food.


 The ants have an upper jaw.

It helps them detect odors, in addition to the lower jaw, which they use to grasp, carry, cut, and bite foods.


 Ants have 6 legs attached to the chest area.

Breathing holes:

 Ants derive oxygen through very small openings and holes scattered throughout their body, and they also emit carbon dioxide.


Pharaoh ants

Meat ant


This part that connects the chest to the abdomen may consist of one or two pieces, and this feature is used by researchers to identify ant subfamilies.

Internal ant structure :

The structure of the ants' body is determined from the inside due to the functions they perform, and the following are points

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that explain this:

 Head installation:

 The head contains the main sensory organs, in addition to the organs responsible for processing food as a first step.

It contains the muscles that control the lower jaw.

It also contains the mouth, which delivers food to the esophagus, in addition to the brain, which is able to remember and learn.

It is also linked to the glands that control the body’s internal processes.

 Back of the rib cage:

This part contains 3 openings through which gases are exchanged, and the blood is transmitted through a long tube moved by the heart, starting from the head and ending with the abdomen.

This process leads to the exchange of gases and cleans the ants’ organs.


 It contains the reproductive organs and the organs responsible for processing food.

There are two stomachs: the social stomach and the natural stomach in which foods mix with liquids, and then after digesting it, it emerges from the anus, which is also present in the abdomen. 

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 Genital organs:

 These organs exist in the form of a tube.

The egg is born at its beginning and then grows and passes through the oviduct.

There it is either fertilized or placed without fertilization.

Scientists studied the composition of ants, just like other animals and insects on Earth, and they determined this by classifying their structure into an external part that has tasks, and an internal part.

It completes these tasks, making the ant's body a complete, interconnected system that performs large tasks compared to its size.


With my best wishes


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