What is the most common type of cat?



What is the most common type of cat?


The most famous types of cats and the advantages and disadvantages of each type 


  Those cute predators, yes, the sentence you read is correct.

All types of cats are considered predators, meaning they are equipped with teeth and a digestive system capable of handling meat, But they certainly prey on smaller animals such as mice and small birds, although most cat species are considered favorite pets in humans, who raised cats more than 9,000 years ago. 

types of cats

What is the most common type of cat?
?What is the most common type of cat

?How do you take care of a Shirazi cat

 Despite its overwhelming popularity, almost all types of cats are lazy because they sleep between 12-14 hours a day and may reach about 20 hours a day,  

What is really disturbing about this topic is that she prefers to sleep during the day during sunny times and wakes up almost most of the night, 

However, most types of cats are loved by humans because of their intense love for playing with their owners, but most of them hate water at the same time.

What is the best type of cat to own?

 In our article today, we will learn together about the most famous types of cats, their characteristics, and the advantages and disadvantages of each type, in addition to a final list that includes almost all cat names so that you are aware of all the types of cats known in our world،  But before entering this fun world, we will mention some quick and nice information about cats in general،  Among them is that the average age of cats is about 15 years, but sometimes the age of cats can reach 25 years.

 Cats like to hide in places far from their eyes and clean themselves for several hours without getting bored, because although they hate water, they always like to be clean

  Also watch out for cat scratching behavior because it can lead to significant damage to your home's fabric furniture, 

Because cats strengthen their nails through scratching behavior and do not find it easier in front of them than in the chair in order to perform this process, it is therefore better to buy a scratching pole to use in their annoying hobby.

shirazi cat

Characteristics of the Bombay cat

1-Shirazi cat:

 This type of cat is also called the Persian cat.

The origin of the Shirazi cat goes back to the state of Iran, and the Shirazi cat is famous for its thick, silky, long hair, 

Regarding his behavior, his mood is usually moderate and non-aggressive, The Shirazi cat is one of the oldest types of cats and is characterized by calm and kindness.

  Some cat breeders may not prefer it because of its clear calmness, but it is one of the ideal types of domestic cats. 

 The Shirazi cat has a small, broad snub nose that is not prominent in the face.

The eyes of the Shirazi cat are wide and colorful, the feet are short, their palms are wide, the body of the Shirazi cat is full, its forehead is wide, and its gaze is focused.

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 There are three types of Shirazi cats:

 Moon Face, Peaky Face, and Himalayas.

The Shirazi cat can be classified according to color into three types:

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Where are Shirazi cats from?

The first:

 the Shirazi cat with fixed colors such as black, blue, white, and red, and the eye color of this type of Shirazi cat is orange.

Persian cat


Tabby cat

Maine Coon cat

Scottish Fold


 The multi-colored Shirazi cat.

Eye color varies according to the difference in hair color of the Shirazi cat.

It may be white with black dots, or the color of the Shirazi cat may be black, tending to be gray or yellow.

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 The Shirazi cat has several colors, ranging from gray to brown and from blue to orange. 

 The Shirazi cat reaches adulthood after 7 months, and it is not preferable to marry it at this age, but rather it prefers to mate a little late, It is preferable to raise the Shirazi cat inside the house only so that it does not become infected with diseases or insects harmful to it, such as fleas.

The Shirazi cat needs regular water baths because of its long fur, which the cat cannot clean all of itself. 

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Shirazi cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

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  Features of the Shirazi cat:

Shirazi cats are fun cats and love to play

- Shirazi cats are very affectionate and love to lie in your arms 

 - Shirazi cats are social and can coexist with other pets in the home

 - Shirazi cats are very clean cats that like to clean themselves all the time

Shirazi cats deal well with children

  Shirazi cats have very beautiful shapes

Shirazi cats are easy to train

   Shirazi cats are non-aggressive and do not attack anyone

Munchkin cat

Information about cats in English

Calico cat

What is the personality of a Shirazi cat?

Are Shirazi cats calm?

  Disadvantages of the Shirazi cat:

Shirazi cats need constant care because of their long fur, which needs constant care to not get tangled

 Long fur causes cats to become infected with annoying insects such as fleas that hide in their fur easily

Shirazi cats need constant attention

- Shirazi cats are expensive

- Shirazi cats are difficult to please with food

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 2-Siamese cat:

Siamese cats trace their origin to the continent of Asia, but then moved to Europe, specifically England, after 1890,

 Siamese cats were not in this shape known to us now, but rather they were stocky and round-headed, and after they moved to England, they mated with other types of cats, resulting in the current shape of Siamese cats, 

She became thin-bodied, short-haired, and looked like she was wearing a mask on her face.

The eyes of Siamese cats are blue, and young Siamese cats are born with white eyes, then gradually turn gray over time.

Are Siamese cats expensive?

Siamese cats have their heads in the form of a complete triangle at both ends of the ear, their nose is long, and their eyes are blue and their eyes are shaped like almonds, 

As for the tail of Siamese cats, the shorter the tail, this indicates the purity of the breed, but what is widespread among them is the long, thin tail.


The character of Siamese cats is sharp and sensitive, and their reactions cannot be predicted, 

But it is a type of social-emotional cat that makes loud noises to attract attention.

 If you are a travel enthusiast, these cats are not suitable for you.

They love a continuous routine lifestyle, but they are fun cats that love to play with children safely،  The average age of Siamese cats is between 11 and 15 years, and female Siamese cats are viviparous, which constantly give birth to a large number of cats.

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Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Siamese

cat, they can be summarized in the following points: 

  Features of the Siamese cat: 

 Siamese cats are emotional and loyal cats to their owners

Siamese cats love being around their owners constantly

Siamese cats are lively and active cats most of the time

Siamese cats are friendly, love children and are good at dealing with them

Siamese cats do not require much care

Siamese cats are very clean animals

Disadvantages of the Siamese cat:

Siamese cats are difficult to train

- Siamese cats are very noisy, constantly swirling and quite annoying

  Siamese cats need a lot of toys

- Siamese cats get bored very quickly and need stimulation

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3-Manx cat:

Types of cats 

 The Manx cat first appeared in the eighteenth century and became very popular over the years.

It is a very skilled cat in hunting،

 The Manx cat is a cat without a tail.

Its hair is as light from above as a rabbit, its hair is long from below, its legs are thick, and its hind feet are longer than the front ones, The nose of the Manx cat is long, its ears are wide

 and round, and the eyes of the Manx cat are round, the same color as his hair, The Manx cat is considered one of the types of smart, fast-learning cats.

They are social cats that are closely related to their owner, but they are shy with strangers.

The average age of the Manx cat ranges between 14-16 years.  

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Manx cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

 types of cats

What is special about a Manx cat?

Advantages of the Manx cat:

Manx cats are very smart

Manx cats are very playful

Manx cats enjoy playing in the water, unlike other types of cats

Manx cats are easy to train and listen well to orders

 - Manx cats are usually quiet and do not cause a lot of noise

Are Manx cats rare?

Disadvantages of Manx cats:

Manx cats are curious and will play with anything in front of them day or night, so it's best to get important things out of their way and keep them away from the bedrooms at night

  Manx cats have a problem usually in the spine called Manx syndrome, but it can be treated for it.

types of cats

Why do Manx cats not have tails?

Are Manx cats in pain?

With my best wishes


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