What month is breeding season for canaries?



ating season for canaries

 Mating season:

 The mating season for wild canaries begins at the beginning of spring, while for local canaries, the mating season begins in February and March, and continues for a period ranging between 20-30 days,

The willingness of the male canary to mate is inferred from the way he chirps, and the female’s readiness to mate is inferred by seeing her carrying with her beak the leaves and materials used in building nests, so the male provides food for her.

What month is breeding season for canaries?
?What month is breeding season for canaries

But sometimes the female canary asks him for food.

  Wild canaries prefer solitude and calm during the breeding season, and wild canaries show sensitivity to light and need to molt every year, 

To provide favorable conditions for the mating process, it is preferable to place full-spectrum light with a timer in the room where the canary is located, 

We prepare the moulting process.

It is preferable to increase the duration of the bird’s exposure to light every day until the duration of its exposure to light reaches 12 hours a day.

  The female canary lays a number of eggs during one breeding season, ranging in number from 3-5 eggs, except for some cases in which the number of eggs can reach 6 egg,s 

The female canary lays eggs every morning, and they are small eggs, blue in color, spotted with a light brown color.

It should be noted that the female canary stays with the eggs,

As long as the atmosphere and conditions are completely prepared and not disturbed, otherwise they will be completely abandoned.

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  For the local Canary bird:

  Whoever lays his eggs in the nest, it is preferable to replace a plastic egg with the first egg, place it in a container containing seeds for birds and stir it every day, and repeat the same step until the fourth egg, 

Then all the eggs are returned to the nest so that the mother can incubate them.

This method is used to prevent competition between the egg that first hatches and the rest of the eggs, and in this way all the eggs hatch at the same time.

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  Baby canaries:

  Canary eggs hatch at night on the fourteenth day after laying the last egg.

They are small, about the size of the thumb, and wrinkled, and begin to make sounds in the morning, 

When the mother approaches them, they open their mouths until they are fed, and when they feel full, they lie down and fold their heads towards their body.

It is noted that there is a swollen mass in their neck that indicates that their food needs are being taken adequatel، 

But if the parents do not feed them, nutritional supplements must be provided to them, and the educator may have to keep the mother away to feed the young every two hours by hand.

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Among the foods that are recommended to be given to the young are:

 rice grains mixed with water

 Boiled egg yolks.

Parents usually continue to feed the young for up to several weeks, after which the feathers begin to grow, and they are able to fly 3 weeks after their birth. 

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  Predation risk:

  A variety of predators in the wild can prey on canaries, including hawks, crows, or snakes such as tree snakes and pythons, Birds raised at home can be at risk from predators when placed in cages and hung outside. 

  Canary tweet:

  Canaries are used to conduct several studies, including studies aimed at understanding how neurogenesis occurs, which is the process that results in the formation of new nerve cells in the adult brain, In addition to studies related to how songbirds are able to sing, and as a result of these studies, scientists were able to learn about the structure of parts of the canary’s brain, 

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especially those that contribute to making its unique sound,and among 

these parts are:

 The higher vocal center is the part that controls the canary's ability to learn new songs.

Scientists have noticed that the rate of formation of nervous tissue increases when this part is busy learning a new song.

 It is a necessary part of releasing songs in a proper manner.

  Nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve:

 This part controls the bird's sound-producing organ, which is the syrinx, which is the part that acts as an olfactory lobe

 Its function is learning, which is food storage memory.

  Scientists Rebecca Hartley and Roddick Sothers in the Department of Biology and the College of Medicine at Indiana University in the United States of America also conducted a study entitled (Airflow and Pressure) While Singing Canaries,  This study aims to find out how the canary is able to sing for long periods compared to its normal breathing cycle, as it is able to sing for more than 25 seconds, which is a period thirty times longer than the length of its normal respiratory cycle،  Most canary songs consist of successive musical phrases, and each musical sentence consists of repeated audio clips whose repetition rate ranges between 3-35 musical degrees/second،  As for repeated songs, they consist of musical scores or single audio clips that are repeated at high rates ranging between 15-30 times/second, accompanied by a short period of silence ranging between 20-35 milliseconds,

  The results of measuring the rate of airflow in the trachea and measuring the level of pressure in the air bag during tweeting indicate that the sound sections that make up a song lasting between 11-280 milliseconds accompany the airflow in the bronchi  The antenna during the exhalation process, followed by a period of silence ranging between 15-90 milliseconds and accompanying the inhalation process, but the air flow is interrupted in some vocal sentences،  The two scientists pointed out that the ability of canaries to sing for a long time is due to the breathing patterns they adopt, 

The canary usually relies on the miniature breathing pattern, which means that the air that comes out of the lungs during exhalation is directly replaced by inhaling air, and helps the bird sing for a long time, 

The bird sometimes uses the pulsating pattern that results in songs consisting of clips with a high repetition rate, which cannot be achieved using microbreathing.

 Caring for a canary The following are the most important tips

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canary breeding cage

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that must be followed to care for a canary:

 Place the canary in a wide cage so that it can move easily, and allow it to fly out of the cage for several hours a day if the cage is somewhat small.

  Place the cage away from direct air currents and sunlight.

  Providing the cage with suitable perches, such as natural tree branches, to help it lower its claws instead of resorting to cutting them.

  Providing the cage with a suitable bathtub, as the canary needs to bathe at least once a week in normal conditions, and once a day during the moulting and propagation seasons,

 Some dandelion leaves can also be placed in the cage and sprayed with water to allow the bird to roll on them, as wild canaries do.

 Place the female canary in a separate cage from the male; So that she is not harassed by the male who is usually ready to mate before her, and to give her the opportunity to build her nest before starting to mate.

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 Providing the cage with appropriate food for canaries :

 Such as seeds intended for canaries and coated with vitamins, taking into account cleaning the cage of seed shells daily.

So that the bird can access food easily, it is preferable to serve vegetables, such as: peas, watercress, turnips, broccoli, and dandelions, Spinach, celery, and small amounts of fruit, such as apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, and cantaloupe. 

Sometimes the hard parts of a boiled egg can be served as a protein-rich nutritional supplement.

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  Taking into account the nature of canaries :

 She is shy and peaceful, and should not be placed in one cage with parrots and lovebirds that are famous for their aggressiveness.

Avoid placing more than one male in a small cage to avoid fighting between them،  But a group of canaries can be placed together, or they can be placed with some birds, or with birds with hard beaks if the cage is wide enough.

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With my best wishes



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