What are some fun facts about Goshawks?



Goshawk and its characteristics and types

Information about the goshawk:

 We belong to the goshawk family and in our Arab world

  It is called the goshawk or Esper, and the goshawk is one of the fastest birds yet

  The peregrine falcon, with a strong and capable build

 It is considered a medium-sized bird, its length ranges from 50 to 65 cm .

What are some fun facts about Goshawks?
What are some fun facts about Goshawks

What are the characteristics of a Goshawk?

How do you identify a Goshawk?

 The goshawk, wandering goshawk, Berni, or king bird, is a bird of prey with a long tail and a strong sense of sight.It is from the carnivorous hawk family.It lives in the forests and flies high.It is considered a skilled and fast hunter without a doubt،  Flying high in the air from high treetops and high mountain peaks, he can clearly see his prey and chase it very quickly . 

 With its elegant appearance, luxurious flight, and noble behavior, this bird is considered the largest and most powerful falcon in Europe and can be defined as (the prince of the air).  His Highness is skilled in all aviation techniques and has the lead in speed, passion, tambourine, and flight for the members of his species, thanks to his special build, which is considered one of the signs created by the Creator, the Almighty .  Its hollow bones serve as additional warehouses for storing oxygen and would help its capable lungs in addition to reducing its weight.A person works with his eyes like a telescope, meaning a telescope, as they enable him to see prey even from a distance of two kilometers .

 As a brilliant sniper, the wandering goshawk only preys for a living, and this type of goshawk, despite its abundance, can also be tamed, and then it shows its owner some affection and loyalty،  But when he is at large in the clear sky, this wonderful

neighbor feels complete and true freedom .


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 Did you know :

 The smallest type of pawpaw is no larger than the size of a robin, and the largest is almost the size of an eagle ..  Al-Bazi and his companion rarely hunt together, but when that happens, they exchange killed prey by one of them throwing it at the other while flying, just as the ball throws between two defects .

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 Types of goshawk:

 There are many species of the goshawk genus, including the following:

 Short-tailed goshawk (Buteo brachyurus).

 Big black goshawk (Buteogallus urubitinga).

 Iron-colored goshawk (Buteo regalis).

 White goshawk (Leucopternis albicollis).

 White-tailed goshawk (Buteo albicaudatus).

 Red-tailed goshawk (Buteo jamaicensis).


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 Goshawk food:

 The goshawk is one of the carnivorous birds.It helps it catch prey.Its eyesight is very strong and it can see during the day or at dusk،  Its diet consists of a group of foods that consist of a group of prey, including small mammals, reptiles, insects, and birds as well.It also diversifies its food according to the season or time of year.  However, its main food is rodents, mice, hares, squirrels, sparrows, snakes, bats and fish as well.

 The goshawk feeds on many types of prey, from the smallest such as insects and reptiles to medium-sized such as rodents and small birds ،  To the largest ones, such as rabbits and birds that are sometimes larger than them, such as partridges, ducks, and geese .


 Facts about the mobile goshawk:

 The maximum speed that a bird can reach while flying is the luck of the mobile Bazina, whose speed reaches three hundred kilometers per hour when it falls vertically.It is an incredible speed ?

 Aerodynamic brakes on airplanes are nothing but an ancient creation of the talents of the Most Merciful.With its two arrivals that reduce the speed of landing, the invader suddenly pounces on the poor defenseless squirrel .

 This bird nests in natural cavities, but even on the tops of ancient towers, forts, churches, and walls .  The chicks are born covered in a light fluffy dress and soon learn to fly .

 Al-Bazi's eyes are separated from each other, which enables him to focus his gaze on several locations at the same time.The above view shows the extent of his field of vision .

 Flocks of birds always pose a serious danger to aircraft flying in the air and to prevent the recurrence of disasters, tame protrusions that rise in the air are used in some airports, and they know how the dispersal of introduced birds is organized by this movement  Air, strictly .

 After our friend hits a dove in the air, he lets it fall to the ground, where he later devours it.  During his rapid downward maneuvers, a natural device operates, located in his nostrils, to prevent excessive air pressure from having a fatal effect on his lungs.  In the winter, the wandering bazi migrates towards the south, where it finds warm weather and abundant food . 

 The goshawk is famous in Europe and America and they usually train it for hunting, 

   While in our Arab world they do not prefer him as a hunter, the peregrine falcon 

 The heat is faster in chasing prey, and training it to hunt is easier and faster 

 ,Regarding weight, the female’s weight and size are greater than the male’s

 The weight of the female ranges from 1200 g to 2400 g

 While the weight of the male ranges from 850 g to 1200 g . 

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 There are many characteristics that combine goshawks and 


 In terms of general appearance, it resembles a peregrine falcon and a free bird, and anyone who has no experience may not be able to distinguish between them, especially if the bird is in a flying position . 

 What distinguishes it from the peregrine falcon and the free :

 There are three points that distinguish the goshawk from the

peregrine falcon or the free bird : 

  Eyes :

 The goshawk is characterized by yellow eyes that sometimes tend to be red, and it has an eyebrow above its eyes, which is often white or gray in color.As for the peregrines, which are always hot, the color of the eyes is black or dark brown . 

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  Wing and tail :

  When the goshawk is in a flying position, it distinguishes it from its wings.The wing appears wide and rounded to you, and not like the pointed wings of a peregrine falcon.The shape of its tail clearly shows that it is longer than the wing during flight . 

  Legs :

  The goshawk's legs are always longer compared to the peregrine falcon's legs . 


  The bar, like most of its species, lives in forests and high mountains

 During the spawning period, you find between 3-5 eggs in its nest per period

  The female lays eggs in the nest and usually builds her nests on trees

  Mountain cliffs sometimes find nests in cities on tall buildings, bridges, and high silos .

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With my best wishes


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