How many types of fish are there in the world?



What are the types of fish 

 What are the types of fish:

 Fish are vertebrates that live in fresh and salt water, and there are more than 30,000 species, most of which are cold-blooded.In this article, we include some types of fish. 

 Eating fish

 Fish store

 Selling fish

 Ornamental fish tanks

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How many types of fish are there in the world?
?How many types of fish are there in the world

 Bakur fish

 Bakur is called the Bakura tuna or long tuna, and is a marine fish found in eastern and southern Australia and eastern Torres Strait.  It is a small fish that reaches a length of 1.5 meters and weighs more than 40 kilograms.


 Red Sea fish

 Sea and fish world

 Dennis fish

 Ocean fish


 Blue fish:

 The blue fish is characterized by its glowing blue color and yellow spots covering its sides.It lives on the coastal coral reefs of New South Wales, and in marine areas such as Lord Howe Island ،  Its length reaches about 76 cm.

 Grayling fish;

 Arctic Grayling lives in streams, rivers, and lakes, feeding on snails, small fish, eggs, and insects.  One, less than 40 cm long.

 Smell the salmon

 Salmon is called a salmon dog.  Because of its sharp, dog-like teeth, its weight ranges from 3 to 7 kilograms, and it is characterized by a lack of black spots on the back and fins.It is found in the main tributaries of the Yukon River, White Rivers, Stewart, Billy, and Teslin.

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 The haddock belongs to the same family as cod, and it is round, 91 cm long and weighs 3.5 kg.

  The haddock fish lives in the North Atlantic Ocean, and is a common species in the United Kingdom, northern Europe, and North America.


 Types of fish

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 Sardines belong to the Clupeidae family.

These fish live in the Mediterranean Sea and off the Atlantic coasts of Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, and the coasts of North America.  Its length ranges between 15-30 cm.

Sardines usually swim in large groups and feed on marine plankton.Sardines reproduce and lay their eggs in the spring, then the larvae hatch after a few days ،  Young sardines often drift with the current water and swim freely.

Eating sardines has many benefits for the human body, including:

 Omega-3 sardines are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of blood clots and help prevent heart disease.

 Vitamins Sardines are an important source of vitamin B12, which has many benefits for the human body, the most important of which is maintaining heart health and giving the body energy and activity. .

 Calcium Sardines provide the body with calcium, so it is recommended for those who suffer from a lack of calcium in the blood, and for pregnant women. 

Types of fish

Characteristic of fish

Name of fishes


 Salmon live in the oceans of the Atlantic Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean, and many rivers.Most salmon species are born in fresh water, then migrate to the sea, then return to fresh water to reproduce ،  Salmon colors vary from one species to another.Some salmon species tend to have a silvery-blue color, while some have black spots on the sides, such as:

 Atlantic salmon, some of which have bright red lines, and most salmon species maintain one color when they live in fresh water, then change color when they move to salt water ،  Small salmon fish feed on insects, marine invertebrates, and plankton, while large fish feed on other fish, squid, and shrimp.Salmon has many benefits for the body, as it contains 


The best fish to eat

The fish was eaten

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several important elements, including:

 Selenium Salmon contains high levels of selenium, which plays an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

 Omega-3 Omega-3 is abundant in salmon, which maintains heart health and reduces aggression and depression in adults. 

Fish names in English

Cow animal 

 Tilapia fish:

 Tilapia fish live in tropical and temperate regions.They usually inhabit brackish water, brackish water, and shallow areas, and feed on algae and plant bacteria ،  They are silver-colored fish, ranging in length from 30 cm to 90 cm.They have large, conical bodies, in the shape of a cigar, a forked tail, and two dorsal fins.  Many species of tilapia have a strong stomach and long intestines capable of digesting food

 Nutritional value of fish:

 Fish is characterized by its high nutritional value, as it is one of the excellent natural sources of protein.It is also rich in many vitamins and minerals that are important for human health, in addition to containing high levels of omega-3.

types of fish 

 Fish contains the following main nutrients, the percentage of 

which can vary depending on the type of fish: 


 Healthy fats, which include monounsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids, the most important of which is omega-3.

 Carbohydrates, including sugars and fiber, but they are found in fish in very small quantities.

 Among the minerals and vitamins that fish contains: 









 Vitamin D.

 Vitamin B12.

 Vitamin B3. 

types of fish 

 As for the amount of calories in fish:

  It varies depending on the type of fish and its source.

Types of fatty fish provide the body with large amounts of fat, and therefore they are rich in calories.  On the other hand, non-fatty types of fish provide the body with fewer calories. 

 For example, one serving of herring (approximately 3 ounces) provides the body with 134 calories and 8 grams of fat.

  The 3 ounces of black cod provides the body with 70 calories and 1 gram of fat. 

 Also, for the same type of fish, the benefits of marine or wild fish will differ slightly from the benefits of river fish, due to the difference in the nutritional value per share for each type of fish that lives in different environments.

types of fish

Characteristics of the Bombay cat 

 Benefits of eating fish:

 It is known that eating fish constantly will bring many benefits and benefits to the body, including: 

 Maintaining brain health and preventing Alzheimer's, dementia, and depression.

 Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

 Reducing the risk of strokes.

 Reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases, including rematoid arthritis.

 Maintain eyesight.

 Improving sleep quality.

types of fish 

 Recommended daily serving of fish :

 It is usually recommended to eat fish twice a week, in order to obtain the full needs of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the health of the body.  Eating fish is not limited to fresh fish only, but an individual can eat canned fish or frozen fish. 

 The danger of eating a lot of fish:

 Eating too much fish can cause some health damage, due to the increased risk of the body being exposed to large amounts of pollutants and heavy metals, the most important of which is mercury, which can be found in the body of fish،  Especially large fish.  [1,7] 

 These pollutants and heavy metals can cause damage to many body systems and functions, especially the brain. 

 The risk of fish when consumed in large quantities of mercury poisoning and other types of heavy metals can increase in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and young children.

types of fish

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 Tips when choosing fish:

 It is recommended to take the following into account when choosing fish: 

 It is preferable to buy fresh fish that has not been caught for more than 5 days.

 Fresh fish should smell like seawater.

 When purchasing fish fillets, it is recommended to look for fillets with a wet texture, while whole fish is recommended to be hard and have clear eyes.

 It is recommended to buy fish that contain low levels of mercury.

With my best wishes



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