The tam bird and the most important information about it



The tam bird and the most important information about it 

 Mute contact :

 It is one of the largest waterfowl in the world – not to mention being considered one of the most aggressive regional birds .  The mute tamas are the indigenous people of Eurasia, but they headed to many other parts of the world –, the most famous of which is North America .  The mute tam bird, unlike other species of birds, lives in garden ponds, lakes and other sites frequented by humans .  These birds have sharp claws, and they usually attack humans to defend their nest .  A mute tooth has wings extending to more than 7 feet, which can cause serious injuries – including bone fractures, bruises and eye

The tam bird and the most important information about it
The tam bird and the most important information about it

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 About tamarisk birds:

 Silent date (scientific name: Cygnus olor)

 A Eurasian bird that belongs to the ducks and geese of the Iraqi geese family, and despite its heavy body, it swims in the water very gracefully.  When taking off from the water, he raises his body forward, clapping his wings in rapid succession, then climbs, flying with lightness and skill, as he makes long-range migrations in the form of 7.

 It is considered one of the most beautiful water birds.It lives in large groups in the winter, but these birds are separated into pairs that live together throughout their lives and take for themselves a patch of land of their own that is under their protection to lay eggs، .  It lives a long time, reaching twenty years. 

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 It is found in temperate regions and is native to East and Central Asia

 It was introduced to North America to be placed in lakes in public parks 

  The most important information that may interest you about tamarisk birds is the following:

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 It has a long neck that is curved above and has short feet

 A large white bird

 It is very easy to distinguish due to its white color and reddish-orange beak

 There is a black knot at the base of the beak

 It swells and is more evident in the male during the mating period.The rest of the year, it is difficult to distinguish between male and female

 Size :

  127-152 cm

 Wing length :

  208-238 cm

 Weight :

  5500-14300 grams

 It is considered one of the heaviest flying birds

 The nest is often in a high, open place of grasses and aquatic plants

 In the spring, the female lays eggs day after day

 The eggs are greenish-blue, then turn white, then brown

 The female usually lays 5-8 eggs

 The incubation period is 35-42 days

 The male incubates the eggs when the female goes to feed

 The color of the young when they hatch is gray and then turns white during the first six months of their lives

 The young leave the nest 24 hours after hatching and are able to eat and swim

  The beak remains gray to pink until you complete the year

You can live up to 20 years

 Size and external shape of tamarisk birds:

 These birds are distinguished by their long S-shaped neck and orange beak with a black base.They are birds with an elegant and beautiful appearance, and the length of the bird ranges between 140-160 cm،  As for its mass, it ranges between 10-12 kilograms, and the extension of its wings ranges between 208-238 cm.They are white birds that are generally bright white, and the young have pale gray beaks،  Their bodies are gray or orange-brown in color. 

 Diet for tamarisk birds:

 These birds can eat mainly aquatic plants, insects, and snails, which are birds that can eat plants and meat.Common aquatic plants that birds can eat include: eelweed, sea lettuce, or olva،  Wigon grass and algae.They can eat aquatic insects, frogs, molluscs, and fish in general, and they usually get their food from deep water،  So they do not compete with other waterbird species shared in the habitat for food. 

 Home of tamarisk birds:

 This bird can be found in freshwater ponds, slow-flowing rivers, and coastal bays, in addition to inland lakes and swamps.It generally lives within the aquatic habitats in the areas in which it lives،  These birds can be found in the continents of Europe and Asia, and they are considered their original homeland.They can also be found in North Africa،  Some individuals have been introduced to some other distant parts of the world, such as the continents of North America and southern Africa, and parts of Oceania (Australia and New Zealand).

 It is worth noting here that these birds are considered migratory birds that move to other, more moderate areas during the winter.

 Breeding of tamarisk birds:

 The breeding season for tamarins extends between March and early April, and the nest site is usually chosen by males and is created using aquatic plants, feathers and pebbles.

 This bird begins to reproduce at the age of three, and it stays with the same pair for life.Its nests are usually large, with females laying an average number of 4-6 eggs،  They then incubate it for 36-38 days, and these birds live in the wild on average, between 20-30 years. 


Cygnus olor :

 It is the most famous of them, because it is usually seen in parks and public gardens, in addition to being the largest in size, reaching a height of 1.6 m and weighing 10-23 kg.  Its feathers are bright white, and it is known for its orange beak, which includes a black hump at its base.  These birds are usually silent, so they are called «, but they nevertheless emit what sounds like a horn, and they also growl when disturbed.

This species has its origins in Eastern Europe and Asia, as it is still present in those regions in its wild state.It has been domesticated in Western Europe since the Middle Ages, and this was initially for food،  Then to decorate the water basins later. 

 Cygnus sygnus:

  It measures 1.25 m in size and weighs 7-12 kg.  Its neck is very long and flexible, and its feathers are completely white.  Its beak is yellow in base and has no black hump.Its voice is almost melodious and melodious.  It is abundant in Northern Europe and North Asia, migrates south in the winter and encounters the shores of the Baltic and North Seas.

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  Cygnus biwichii:

  It is also called because it is smaller than all other species, but it is, however, a large bird, measuring 1.20 m in size and weighing 8 kg.  It resembles the shape of a rusty tam, and is distinguished from it by its shorter neck and the small, basal part of the yellow-colored beak.  His voice is also more melodious and stronger than the sound of the echo.  It nests in the tundra and Yashtu areas on the shores of the Baltic and North Sea. 

 In the Southern Hemisphere, the black tamarisk Cygnus atratus lives in Australia and Tasmania.Its size is 1.50 metres, its neck is very long and its head is small.  Its feathers are completely curly and black except for the snow-white wing feathers, which are only visible when flying.  This species was introduced to New Zealand and Europe. 

 Another species also lives in the Southern Hemisphere, the black-necked tamarisk Cygnus melanocorphus, which is widespread in South America from Paraguay and southern Brazil to the Falkland Islands.  In winter, it rises northward to the Tropic of Capricorn.  Its neck is black, its beak tends to be blue, its legs are pink, and the rest of its feathers are white.

 Tam's behavior and habits:

 The tam is a mainly plant-fed bird.  It feeds on plants and aquatic seeds that it searches for in water by immersing the neck or front part of the body.  When it wanders on land, it feeds on herbs and roots, such as geese.

Its flight is strong, and its take-off requires strength that it derives from running on water and from the strength of the wings.  The striking of the wings in silent species (the mute tam, the black tam, and the black-necked tam) leads to a musical vibration whose role is similar to that of the flight sound in other species،  It keeps them in touch with each other while the group is moving.


With my best wishes


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