What is stork known for Stork?




 "The "white stork" in Egypt is called the goat.Due to its large size, it is one of the large migratory birds with long legs that sees its nests above minarets, electric line towers, and tall tree tops.

What is stork known for Stork?
?What is stork known for Stork

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What does a stork symbolize?

 Reason for naming it by this name:

 The stork was called the Sad King because of its always sad nature.This bird is considered king because it stays in the swamps and does not leave them until they become dry.It is also called the Sad because it is very sad and lowers its head to express its sadness  Exactly as a person does, and the reason for sadness is the drying up of the lakes and swamps in which he stays for his time.

 A large migratory bird with long legs whose nests are seen above minarets, electric line towers, and the tops of tall trees. 

 Food : 

 They feed on insects, tadpoles, snake chicks, and mice

 Which animal is called stork?

 Characteristics of the stork :

 Storks are distinguished by their long legs and long neck, and their beak is long.The plumage colors of storks vary according to their type, as some species have a filamentous sac, which is a large flap of skin on the neck،  These birds grow to be very large and some species have huge wings.

  These birds have a long, thick, and sharply pointed beak.Their heads are devoid of feathers and their head is black.Their necks are light red.Storks live in wetlands, grasslands, swamps, and lakes،  And streams and estuaries, and the preference for places among these birds varies according to their species.

  The stork is found all over the world except in polar places.It is found in Central America, North America, Eurasia, Africa, and Australia،  Storks are considered carnivores, meaning they rely heavily on meat in their diet, such as eating fish, small mammals, invertebrates, insects, reptiles, and amphibians.

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  The stork is classified as a large, long-necked bird.It belongs to the same family as the heron and flamingo.The length of the stork is about 60-150 cm،  Part of the stork's head, or all of its head, is bare of feathers, along with the neck as well, and the color of the feathers is bright.

 His voices:

  The stork does not make sounds or has a very low voice because it does not have a complete syrinx and the syrinx is the organ responsible for making the sound.The stork flies and rises gradually over high distances،  He extends his neck and legs during flight.

 Place of living:

  Storks live together in groups and herds all the time except during the breeding and mating season, and females lay approximately 3-6 eggs that are incubated by the parents and hatch after about 5 weeks،  There are many species belonging to the stork distributed around the world and differ in several characteristics.

  Information and facts about the stork.Below are the most prominent information and facts about the stork:

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 Types of stork:

  There are more than 19 species of storks around the world, differing from each other in sizes and colors and living in most regions of the world.  Storks feed on a wide range of foods, including meat, vegetables, and herbs.  Some species of storks have long, massive wings, and the wings of the stork can cover the black rhinoceros.  Storks do not make sounds from their syrinx, as it is not fully developed, but it makes sounds such as grunt, hissing, and rattling.  The European white stork travels approximately 19,312 km during its migration, in order to reach warmer environments such as sub-Saharan Africa, which means that it remains in the air for approximately 49 days.  Storks build large nests and use them for several years to reproduce, only to return from their migration, add some nests to them, and lay their eggs inside them again.  The male stork cooperates with the female in parenting responsibilities, sharing time sitting on eggs to keep them warm, and spending weeks of effort bringing food for the young to grow.

What is another name for a stork?

 Specialists follow him to study the movement of his flight and travel by monitoring him and placing metal rings under his leg containing special information that they exchange to help them study his conditions.

  stork bird

 Information about the white stork: 

  Its weight ranges from 3 to 4 kilograms. 

Its length reaches approximately one meter, and its legs are long.

stork movie 

  The color of the feathers of its wings is white, and the end of the tips of its wings is black, while its beak is red in color and it is a strong bird. 

 This bird does not pass through the Mediterranean Sea during its migration journey from Europe, because it needs thermal currents that do not form through the sea. 

 While moving on land, he walks slowly, and his squadrons are usually spotted in Egypt during the months of August and September. 

 The journey lasts about 50 days, and its squadrons include about 10,000 birds in each squadron .

 Some areas have their own stations, as Ras Muhammad Reserve is one of the most important of these stations, because it feeds on small crabs found in mangroves

stork mortuary

 Followed by specialists

  To study the movement of his flight and travel by monitoring him and placing metal rings around the bottom of his leg containing special information that they exchange to help them study his conditions.

 The public rejoices in it and preserves its nests, so they do not destroy them,  Maintenance engineers may suffer when their workers and technicians are assigned to remove their nests from electrical lines, which often cause short circuit circuits, especially in the winter when the branches and straw of the nest become wet,  You see them not raising it, but rather rearranging it and keeping it slightly away from the electrical wires. 

 Its food:

 Although these birds depend for their food on the frogs, molluscs, and crustaceans found in the lakes, the bird we are talking about surprised scientists ؛  Because it quickly shoots towards any burning area in meadows and forests, and after long observation, it turns out that the fire forces the insects to quickly escape or jump into the air, at which point this bird takes off؛  In order to obtain a delicious meal from these easy and delicious insects, through his amazing sense of the existence of a relationship between fire and abundant food, he sings of a long search in meadows or lakes, for frogs and other aquatic creatures.

 Although this species is widespread in most parts of the world, this beautiful bird is threatened with extinction in many places.

stork bite birthmark

 Stork migration and its features:

 Expert Bals Molina from the Spanish Ornithological Society reported that large numbers of storks stopped migrating due to the rising temperature of the universe.  Molina explained that the long-legged, long-necked, and beaked white stork is one of the birds that the Spaniards love, and its numbers in its most recent census, which was in 2004, reached 33 thousand pairs.  The stork is a beautiful bird that has wonderful eyes that help it see excellently during flight.It also has a long, receptive beak with which it can easily catch fish, frogs, and some insects,  When a stork flies, it can distinguish its destination and can sense the direction that the Creator - Glory be to Him - has provided it with, to travel to the place it wants without getting lost.

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 The most famous factions

 The most famous stork is the white stork.  This bird lives in Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the summer, and in Africa and northern India in the winter.  It is white with black markings on its wings.  It has a red beak, and its legs and feet are reddish-cornish in color.  The white stork often harbors surfaces and chimneys.  The stork pair returns to the same nest year after year.  The white stork is a bird that finds care and protection in many places.  It is reprehensible flying that some people in some countries believe that this bird brings good luck.

 Other Eastern European storks include the Abba Saan, the black stork, and the woolly-necked stork.  The Maggiore stork and the Jabiru stork live in Central America and South America.  The jabiro grows to a height of 1.5 m and its wing length exceeds two metres.

 The forest stork, formerly called the forest ibis, lives in the cypress swamps of Florida, United States, and also lives in coastal areas of Central and South America.  The height of this large white bird is slightly more than a meter.  The black color prevails on both sides of its lower wings and on the tail feathers.

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