Information about the writer's bird



Safe bird

Information about the writer's bird


What is a writing bird?

Writer's bird, secretary's bird, or Capricorn's hawk:

 It is a bird native to Africa and is an order of baboons with long legs, a long tail, and a beak that lives mostly in wide, open plains.

 This bird walks in the tall grass of the African plains beating and looking for insects and other animals to eat. When she finds her prey, he kicks her to death.

 The writer's bird eats snakes and even venomous snakes such as cobras and snakes.

Information about the writer's bird
Information about the writer's bird

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When the writer's bird ambushes a snake behind the plants, it runs towards it and hits the snake's head with its foot.

A sharp blow to the head on the back of the snake's neck will end its work. If the prey resists this method, the secretary bird may grab it with its beak, take it to the sky and throw it down after a great rise. 

The height of the male secretary bird can reach 1.4 metres. Black mane and feathers on their heads, so named.

 Snakes are nothing compared to this bird. These predators run quickly and cover their legs with thick scales to protect them from bites.

If the snake is fighting with its back, the faithful winged bird opens itself up for defense.

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Open wings scare the snake and if the snake catches the feathers, the bird will not get hurt.

 They often hunt in pairs and can travel more than 25 kilometers every day in search of food. Safe birds raise their feathers when they are angry, excited, or afraid. Its feathers are gray and white. Males and females are similar, but females are smaller.

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It has long legs that resemble the legs of a crane, and its body is like that of a hawk.

It has a long tail that is predominantly black in color.

The upper part of its legs is covered with soft, black feathers up to the knees, and the leg ends with strong claws. The area between his eyes is dominated by a reddish-orange color, and his face ends with a sharp, hooked beak.

The color of the feathers of its wings is black and gray, while the feathers of its chest are dominated by a white-gray color.

The bird has long, fluffy feathers that protrude from the crest towards the back in a way that makes it more like the feather pens that office secretaries and clerks used to carry behind their ears in the past, and from here came its name.

The bird is the secretary (or writer) in Latin languages, but there is a more recent hypothesis that believes that the name is of Arabic origin, which is the bird falcon، That is, the falcon that hunts birds, and it was distorted in Latin to become the Saqur ettair, and the French Frankish the word and it became a sakrétaire, and it was understood to mean a writer.

As for the Arabic (Sudanese) name, the falcon of the ancestors, it goes back to the bird’s ability to hunt small grandparents, including antelope and deer. Its length from its head to the back of its tail is 1.40 meters (6.6 feet) and its weight is about 3.3 kilograms (7.3 pounds), making it the largest bird of prey.

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Name and scientific classification:

Writer's bird of prey is the killer queen

The scribe's bird or secretary's bird is a large hunting bird.

It is close to hawks and eagles.

It got its name because of the logo on its back, which makes it resemble secretaries and accountants in the eighteenth century. This bird has another distinctive feature: long, prominent eyelashes for which makeup models die.

writing bird

bird by bird wiki

His homeland:

The scribe bird lives in open grassy plains and wide, tree-free plains in the savannah regions of sub-Saharan Africa in countries such as Sudan, South Sudan, Central Africa, and even the Cape of Good Hope region in South Africa.

It is not a migratory bird, and in Sudan the bird is found in the states of Kordofan (In the areas of Dar Hamar and Sudari), and Darfur.

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What does the Capricorn Falcon eat:

Bird food writer:

The bird feeds, along with the greats and small deer, on hunting other small mammals such as hares, rats, and squirrels.

It opens its wide mouth to swallow the prey once or runs behind it and attacks it with its feet and beak until it dies or faints and is easy to swallow.

However, the most important thing that distinguishes it in terms of hunting is its specialization in hunting.

Snakes and not being afraid of them, as it attacks the snake and hits it with its large wings, then pounces on it with strong blows from its claws until it dies، Sometimes he carries it, flies it in the air, then throws it several times and it hits the ground and dies. The scribe bird also hunts lizards, large insects, and eggs of other birds.

The scribe bird is the only bird that feeds its young by vomiting water and food directly into their mouth.

The secretarybird hunts snakes by tucking their dinosaur-like feet and claws.

The secretarybird is a carnivorous hunter that feeds on various prey and has a great ability to kill snakes in African grasslands. Unlike most birds of prey, secretary jackals hunt their prey from the ground with their feet. Secretary's flying chickens may travel 30 kilometers daily in search of snakes, insects and other animals.

In addition to snakes, the scribe bird also feeds on lizards, amphibians, rodents, and bird eggs. Young animals are usually eaten whole, but larger prey is crushed before it is eaten. They

also hit the ground with their big feet to lure prey out of hiding.

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His behaviors:

When the writer's bird gets angry or is about to hunt, the feathers above its head rise to give its appearance strength and ferocity, but they also give it beauty.

 When he wants to fly, he runs a distance on the ground before taking off and flying in the air. It is one of the eagles that is distinguished by its strength and ability to kill prey, flight, and the enemy, even though it spends most of its time walking on the ground at a steady pace among the grass and among the shrubs and herbs.

One of the characteristics of the bird is that it hunts for itself and does not accept training or taming for humans to use for hunting or sports. 

Its reproduction:

The bird builds its nest on top of thorny acacia-acacia trees, at a height of 5-7 meters (15-20 feet), where both the female and the male inspect the nest from time to time for half a year before the female lays her eggs. The nest is about two and a half meters (8 feet) in diameter and approximately 30 centimeters deep, and is built in the form of a flat basin of sticks, leaves, and grass. 

The bird is found in two or three pairs.

The female lays two or three eggs, green or blue, within two or three days and incubates them until they hatch after about 45 days.

Two eggs are usually fertilized and the third is damaged. The male bird helps the mother bird feed the young for 40 days or more. After 60 days, the young bird begins to flap its wings to learn to fly with the encouragement of its parents.

This is followed by learning how to practice fishing, through hunting trips accompanied by its parents.

After that stage, it is considered a fully developed bird capable of feeding itself.

bird by bird story

bird by bird table of contents

Brown owl

His relationship with man: 

The writer bird, an emblem of Sudan

The bird is admired by Africans for the beauty of its appearance, the strength of its body, and its ability to prey on mice, rodents, and snakes that cause them disturbance in their fields and valleys.

Flying Sudan has adopted an official emblem that appears in the flag of the President of the Republic, in the seals and official papers of state bodies, and in military insignia, spreading its wings upward and pointing its head towards the left, with its feathers fluffy, while in the middle of its chest is a traditional shield, and above its head is a clip with the words « Victory for Us » in Arabic, and another similar clip underneath.

It says « Reublic of Sudan».

The bird also appears in the South African emblem as a symbol of vigilance, strength, the renaissance of modern South Africa and its pride, spreading its wings upward and turning to the left with its head feathers spread out.

It is surmounted by a shield with a green sign underneath it written in the language of the indigenous people of South Africa, Al Khoisan «, uniting diverse peoples ». 

The image of the falcon has also appeared so far on 65 postage stamps of more than 30 countries in various countries and organizations of the world, including countries where it does not exist, such as the Emirate of Ajman, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, the Maldives, and the United Nations.

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Threats threatening him:

Although young birds are sometimes at risk of being preyed upon by crows and kite hawks that hover over their nests and in their absence, the greatest danger lies in the phenomenon of desertification caused by humans through the removal of trees, herbs and weeds, which threatens the environment in which the bird is found to disappear.

For this reason, in 1968 AD, the species of this bird was included in the list of protected species under the African Convention for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. In any case, the bird was able to adapt well to the environmental conditions in arable lands, where it found animals, such as rodents, that constituted its prey. The bird is also found in large numbers in the many protected barns in Africa.

Frequently asked questions about the secretary bird:

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Where does the writer's bird live:

The secretarybird lives for about 10 to 15 years and lives in different parts of the African continent and is usually in the widely open plains of this continent. The advantage of living on open plains is that its prey has less chance of finding a place to hide. Birds of prey such as owls and crows hunt the eggs and chicks of the secretary hen, but the secretary hen itself does not prey on any other creature. However, human vandalism is the biggest threat to this bird. 

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What is the symbol of the Capricorn falcon in different cultures:

The image of this bird is engraved on a South African army uniform as a symbol of protection and support. On the other hand, the chicken is also Sudan's national emblem and is considered a symbol of victory.

With my best wishes

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