



What are 5 interesting facts about penguin?

 The penguin belongs to the category of vertebrates, and the bird family.The penguin is one of the most widespread in the world, with an estimated number of millions, and one of the most famous of all is the emperor penguin.

 Most penguin species reach a length of approximately 130 cm.

 Large numbers of penguins weigh approximately 25 to 45 kg.

 The penguin is a skilled swimmer with experience and speed in diving, and when there is snow, it slides on its stomach.

 The average lifespan of each species varies, but is generally up to 30 years, and is the longest these birds can reach.


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 Penguin species

 Studies vary on the types of penguins and how many they are, and the following are the most important types: 

 African penguin:

  This species has black legs, is the only species of penguin native to Africa, and lives in specific places such as South Africa and Namibia،  This species also communicates with each other through the use of annoying bird sounds, and this method helps them find food and friends.

 Northern rock penguin:

 This species has an original habitat, which is Tristanda Cunha and Gough Island.It also lives on naturally uninhabited islands and has little fear of humans. 

Where penguin lives?

Is penguin the cutest animal?

 Penguin King:

  This species has a primary habitat, which is frozen and cold islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.These penguins are distinguished by their beauty and are the second largest spe

cies of penguins.

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 Penguin Adele:

  It lives in Antarctica, and is a predatory species, to the point that it is classified as one of the most ferocious hunters, and the climate also affects their food source.

 Fairy penguins:

  Known by another name, they are small southern penguins.They live in specific areas such as the western and southeastern coasts of the South Island of New Zealand.This species is considered one of the smallest penguins in the world،  It is characterized by having blue eyes and feathers.

 Yellow-eyed penguin:

 It lives in the South Island of New Zealand.This species faces extinction and is also a dangerous species.

Penguin Books

Paragraph about penguins

Where penguins live

 Chainstrap penguin:

  It lives on the shores of Antarctica, some Pacific islands, and the Southern Ocean, and is characterized by a dark line below its chin.

 Magellanic penguin:

  This species is similar to the African penguin, but the difference is that it has a dark black neckband, which distinguishes it from the African penguin.It lives on the southern coast of South America, and may nest in Brazil،  One of the most common activities carried out by this species is catching jellyfish. 

King penguin

Penguin Random House

Emperor penguin

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 Southern rock penguin:

 This species lives in Falkland, and is gentle despite its use of its own bird sounds, which are annoying and harsh.

 Penguin pasta:

 The most available species in the world, it lives in South America, Australia, Antarctica, and Marion Island.

 Its features:

 It is considered one of the most distinctive birds because of its unique characteristics.It lives in cold waters and snowy areas in the southern hemisphere, especially on the Antarctic continent،  Although it is called a bird, it does not fly.

 He is considered one of the seabirds, as he is a skilled swimmer and diver, thanks to his anatomy and the capabilities he possesses that make him able to adapt and live in those difficult conditions، Among these components are its feathers and the glands it possesses, which help it secrete oil that maintains its body hair and gives it a soft texture.It also helps it sweeten the water it drinks from the sea.

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 Where does he live:

  Penguins live in diverse environments in several regions around the world, as follows: Antarctica, where most penguin species live, which are estimated at more than 17 species

  Antarctica is the most densely populated area with penguins, as it has a large number of penguin species compared to other regions of the world, where penguins can be seen swimming in freezing water in search of fish،  Or seeing them gathered on icebergs, or seeing them skiing on snow with their bellies.

  There are many colonies on the icy waters of Antarctica,

which are filled with several types of penguins, including the following:

  The chinstrap penguin has a slender black stripe under its head.

 The Gentoo penguin is distinguished by having a white stripe above its head.  The emperor penguin is distinguished by the distinctive yellow color of its ears and breasts.  The Adélie penguin is distinguished by its appearance resembling a tuxedo.  The Magellanic penguin, rock penguin and Gentoo penguin can be found on the rocky slopes of the Falkland Islands،  In addition, there are very large numbers of millions of king penguins on the shores of South Georgia near the South Pole.

  Galapagos Islands The Galapagos penguin is the only species that lives in the wild north of the equator.It is one of the rarest species of penguins, and it can be commonly found in the Galapagos Islands, especially the islands of Fernandina and Isabella،  It can also be found on the shore of Bartolomé Island, where penguins catch a very large number of fish.

  New Zealand The blue penguin lives on Stewart Island and on the South Island of New Zealand.It is a unique penguin characterized by its blue color, named after its distinctive color.It is also famous for its feathers that crown its head،  And his distinctive yellow eyes.

  South Africa The African penguin lives in Africa on the shores of Boulders in Cape Town, South Africa.These penguins have lived in a colony of 3,000 individuals since 1982 AD،  She can be seen wandering freely among the granite rocks on the beach, and it is noteworthy that she is distinguished by having a black stripe on her body with black spots on her chest.

  Penguin adaptation to live in its habitat:

  The penguin possesses many formal and behavioral characteristics that help it adapt to live in its habitat, the most prominent of which are the following:

  Penguins continue to sleep for a long time during the day when food is not available in their habitat, and to maintain their energy.  Groups of imperial penguins incubating their eggs can sleep for 24 hours during the Antarctic winter, due to the long 20-hour night.  Penguins that live in very cold areas have thicker fat and longer feathers than penguins that live in warm areas, as the fat under their thick skin maintains their body temperature،  And warm it during the winter.

  Imperial penguins gather in groups of thousands of individuals, to warm each other during cold weather.

  The penguin's dark plumage color helps it absorb heat from the sun, helping it warm its body in cold areas.

  The penguin's dense feathers covering its overlapping body and very close together help protect the penguin underwater, providing it with the necessary insulation from the freezing water temperature.

  Its food :

 Through pure seas that contain the most important beneficial nutrients, the following are the foods that penguins can eat: 


  Fish help in the growth of penguins such as silverfish, lanternfish, sprat, balshard, mullet, anchovies, sardines, cod, opal, and other small fish.


 Penguins eat a small amount of crustaceans such as shrimp and crab, although they eat large amounts of krill. Saa


  Large penguins with the ability to dive for food eat squid, which makes up a small portion of their diet.


 There is a group of animals that prey on penguins, and their

explanation is as follows:

 Atmospheric predators:

  Such as giant petrels, Antarctic birds or predatory gulls, sheath birds, and seagulls.

 Wild predators:

  Such as mice, cats, and dogs.

 Penguin reproduction:

 These birds breed in large colonies, and it occurs at a specific time, which is late March and early April, when males and females return from their search for food in the sea،  There is a percentage of adults who have the ability to find their companion from the previous year, despite the lack of a nest and the large size of the colony.

 How much sleep does a penguin need

 Below is some information about penguin sleep: 

 These birds have the ability to sleep in water or while standing.They have unusual sleep patterns.Instead of sleeping for long hours at night, they take short naps during the day and evening.

 These birds may never sleep; This is because they are often the prey, so they should always be careful, but this does not mean that they do not need to rest،  They take a nap that takes only minutes, and these naps are among large groups of penguins.

 Penguins only fall asleep on land, usually napping in the late afternoon or 

early evening.

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 Diseases that affect penguins:

 Penguins are exposed to several types of diseases, whether infectious or parasitic, and the reason they are infected with diseases is their exposure to stress, whether environmental or food.Below are some of the diseases that affect them:

 Bird notebook:

  It is a disease that affects young chicks or birds, and one of its symptoms is the formation of bacterial plaques in the mouth.Inhaling them can cause respiratory pneumonia, or an obstruction that prevents breastfeeding and causes dehydration.

 Bird malaria:

  It is a disease caused by blood parasites transmitted through mosquitoes.It is a disease that affects children or adults and may lead to death.

 Risks threatening the penguin's habitat:

  The penguin is exposed to several dangers that threaten its habitat and life, including the following:

  Climate change affects wildlife in the Southern Ocean, as changing currents resulting from climate change cause ice to melt, which is an important resting place for penguins،  In addition, it is very important in the reproductive process.  Ice loss reduces the abundance of penguin food.  Predators such as dogs and non-native foxes introduced by humans to penguin colonies cause the destruction of these colonies and spread diseases in them, and Galapagos penguins are the species most at risk of predator diseases.

  Penguin colonies and places of residence are being destroyed due to human motor activity and the increasing amount of garbage inside them.  Penguin colonies are being destroyed due to the severe effects of oil spills, which also affect the penguins' health and nutrition. 

 The strangest thing said about the penguin:

 - Between every fifty thousand births, a bird is born with brown feathers .

 All species participate with each other in incubating eggs and raising young except the emperor

 The penguin can live and reproduce at a temperature below -40 degrees below zero.

 The Emperor's Penguin is the largest type of penguin in size and length, and blue is small and short.

 - The penguin can catch more than 30 years at a time.

 She swallows pebbles and stones, which helps her dive and digest food.

 The penguin's age ranges from six to thirty years.

With my best wishes



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