Information about the panda



Information about the panda 


Scientific classification of panda bear :

 The panda bear belongs to the bear family

The giant panda is one of the mammals that is distinguished by its huge body, circular face, and black-and-white fur.

It is considered one of the rare mammals in the world.

panda info

Information about the panda
Information about the panda

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  Pandas live in bamboo forests in the mountains of central China, so they are called bamboo bears, and in Chinese they are known as (Daxiongmao); That is, the big cat, 

It is worth noting that its scientific name is (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), which means a black and white animal with feet similar to those of cats.

Giant pandas fall under the following scientific classification:


  It falls under the animal kingdom, then the subkingdom of bilaterians, then under the kingdom of deuterostomes .

What do pandas like?


 Chordates, then the phylum Vertebrates, and under the phylum Jaws .


 The upper row includes tetrapods, then the mammalian row, then the lateral subgrade, and the lower row includes true telepods .


 Carnivores, suborder Canidae .


  Bearings .  Genus: Giant panda .

Where do pandas live?

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Giant panda melanoleuca

Scientists have disagreed for centuries about the classification of pandas under the bear or raccoon family; Therefore, scientists conducted DNA analysis on it.

Because it shares many characteristics with bears and with raccoons, As a result, they found that giant pandas were closer to bears than to raccoons, and as a result they were classified in the bear family, while red pandas were closer to the raccoon family, Therefore, she was classified under her own family . 

What are 5 interesting facts about pandas?

  Formal characteristics of the panda bear :

 Below are the most prominent morphological characteristics of the panda bear:

  Panda size and weight :

  The height of the giant panda from the ground to the shoulder when it stands on its four legs ranges from 0.6 to 0.9 metres, while its body length ranges from 1.2 to 1.8 metres, and its size is close to the size of the American black bear,

As for weight, males weigh about 113 kilograms in the wild, while females rarely weigh up to 104 kilograms.

Males are considered larger than females.

Panda's external appearance:

  Pandas are characterized by many morphological characteristics.

  The most prominent of which are the following:

 The round head, plump body and short tail are characteristics of the giant panda's exterior.

  Its ear area, the circumference of the eyes, legs, and shoulder girdle are characterized by black fur, while the rest of its body is white.

  Its fur is characterized by roughness and density to keep it warm in mountainous forests with a humid and cold climate.

  Giant pandas can grasp and bite bamboo stems with their unique paws; One of the elongated wrist bones, such as her thumb, is used for eating, in addition to having strong jaws and teeth.

What pandas eat?

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 Behavioral characteristics of the panda bear :

 Below are the most prominent behavioral characteristics of the 

panda bear:


Giant pandas sleep for two to four hours between meals

During the summer, it may increase to six hours or more, and giant pandas may sleep on their side or back, 

Or her stomach is on the forest floor, or next to a tree, and she continues to defecate while she sleeps, and her body does not store fat due to the low nutritional value of bamboo,  Therefore, they do not hi

Information about panda in English

Qinling pandabernate, but rather migrate short distances to lower areas.  

  Communication :

 Giant pandas are somewhat noisy animals, especially females during the estrus cycle in zoos, while in the forest they make 11 different sounds،  Giant pandas place marks on trees, rocks, and grasses indicating their identity, gender, and sometimes social status, through a scent issued by a large gland located below their tail, which ranges in length from 10 to 15 cm،  By rubbing them with objects such as trees and rocks to regulate communication between them through the sense of smell, males determine their living places through them, while females use them during the estrus cycle, as indicated by the chemical analysis of these signs

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  Sound :

 Giant pandas emit a sound similar to that of a sheep or a small goat called bleating.They also emit other sounds such as: shouting when angry, and others similar to barking and growling.As for their young, they emit the sound of chirping and moaning، The researchers were able to decipher 13 different giant panda sounds as part of a research published in the fall of 2015.The scientists collected many data, analyzed the sound fingerprints, and recorded their sounds in different situations؛  Such as eating, mating, and others within a project to understand panda languages launched by the China Center for Research and Protection of Giant Panda.

 Giant panda cubs express themselves by making several

Giant panda

Panda facts 

sounds in different situations, including:

 (Gee-Gee) During hunger.  (Woo-Woo) or (Coo-Coo) when not feeling happy.

  When a stranger approaches her, she barks loudly, meaning (Get out of my place).  They sing like birds when they are worried about their young.  The giant panda exchanges a feeling of love with the males emitting constant bleating and constant chirping in the females.  Movement: Pandas are considered slow-moving and rarely move faster than walking.They can also stand on their hind legs, in addition to climbing trees easily and climbing a distance estimated at about 3.9 km from the surface of the earth،  They are also able to swim due to their similarity to bears, and while relaxing, males can stand upside down on their hands by leaning on trees, in addition to turning around and bathing in dirt.

panda - wikipedia


Red panda

Why panda is endangered 

 Mating :

 The mating season for giant pandas occurs in the spring period.That is, in the period from March to May, during the female estrus cycle، Males also find females through their advanced sense of smell, which they also use to avoid other males.In addition to smell, the location of females is also determined by sound،  During this season, males compete with each other for the opportunity to mate, as the males become very aggressive, and it may even reach the point that about one to five male pandas gather around each female.

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  Senses :

 Below is a breakdown of the characteristics of pandas’ senses:

information about the panda

  Strong sense of sight:

  Pandas can distinguish colors and see well at night, and they can also determine the location of a moving object from a great distance،  She has good eyesight despite the myth that she does not see well due to the small size of her eyes.  Strong

sense of smell:

 Using the sense of smell - which is considered one of its most important senses - giant pandas can find a mate, avoid humans, locate their young, in addition to collecting food.  Having strong sounds: Panda bears make sounds when they feel angry or afraid.


 Panda bears are considered intelligent animals that learn quickly, and some of them have been trained to do more than 20 tricks in one of the zoos in China, including riding a bicycle.  How pandas adapt to the environment Giant pandas have smart ways to conserve energy, allowing them to survive and continue eating low-nutrient bamboo.

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 Lazy lifestyle Giant pandas are lazy animals that do not move much and have slow movement،  Scientists used a GPS tracker and analyzed chemicals in panda feces when tracking five captive animals and three others living in the wild،  They found that when comparing pandas with other animals that have the same body mass, pandas spend only 38% of the energy that these animals need.

 Small organs:

Panda organs such as the brain, liver, and kidneys are considered small inPanda organs such as the brain, liver, and kidneys are considered small in size when compared to other bears, which enables them to provide a good percentage of energy,

 Because these smaller organs need less energy to do their job.

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  Thyroid hormones :

 Both thyroxine and triiodothyronine are hormones secreted by the thyroid gland to regulate the body's metabolism،  Scientists have found that the levels of these hormones decrease by half in giant pandas compared to other mammals with the same body mass؛  Therefore, scientists have suggested that a genetic mutation in the DUOX2 gene, which is involved in the production of these hormones, is the reason for their decline, so giant pandas have a low metabolic rate, which provides energy in their body.

information about the panda 

With my best wishes



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