How can I tell how old a cat is?



How can I tell how old a cat is?


 The average lifespan of cats depends on several factors, including general health care, nutrition, environment, and genetics.  Under normal circumstances, cats can live between 12 and 15 years.  However, there are cats that live longer, some of which are over 20 years old.

How can I tell how old a cat is?
?How can I tell how old a cat is

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 Good care and regular health care, including vaccinations and veterinary examinations, can contribute to enhancing cats' health and increasing their chances of living longer.

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 What are the oldest cats :

How old are cats and what is their average age?  A common question, and it can be said that the average lifespan of cats ranges from 10 to 15 years،  However, the rule cannot be generalized, as some types of cats live for a longer period of time, sometimes reaching their twenties or thirties, and according to the Guinness Book of World Records for the age of cats،  When we look at the largest cat in the world, we see that it is the cream cat.Where she lived until she was 38 years and 3 days old،  It was a short-haired domestic cat that was born in 1967 AD and died in 2005 AD..

How old is a 20 year old cat in human years?

 Know the age of cats 

What are the factors affecting the age of cats?

1-Food and its quality

 Food is one of the important factors that affect age.We note that cats that do not follow a healthy diet are more susceptible to developing health problems،  Parasites and diseases can also affect their health, and some diseases that affect cats can have long-term effects that may lead to short lifespan.

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2-A place to be and live

  Before asking the question:

How old are cats ?  Where to live must be considered; The lifespan of cats living on the street is usually shorter than that of domestic cats؛  This is because street cats lack complete health care and good food, and the street is a place exposed to many dangers, and cats live in constant anxiety, for fear of the risk of being run over by a car،  Exposure to infection by a wild animal, the possibility of eating toxins, and the biggest problem affecting street cats is facing the problem of not finding food, and exposure to many parasites and diseases. 

how to tell age of cat by teeth

how to tell the age of a stray cat 

3-Health care

 Just as humans need health care, cats also need it periodically.Health factors generally affect the cat's age،  Continuous health care and frequent visits to the vet are important for keeping cats.

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 Average age of cats :

 A large number of cat breeders ask how do I know the exact age of the cat!  But before answering this question, you must know that the average lifespan of cats depends on many factors such as health, diet, their environment, as well as their breed type،  However, the average age of pet cats is between 12 and 14 years, yet some cats can live about 20 years.  If you do not know the date of your cat’s birth, you should read our article today from Qatwat to learn how to calculate the age of your cat with its stages of development in detail and compare it with humans, as well as the average age of domestic cats according to breeds. 

how to tell cat age by size

How do I know the cat's age:

 Some pet breeders adopt many cats without knowing their ages in detail, and knowing the age of cats becomes a big mystery for them, especially when adopting a cat from a shelter or rescuing it from the streets،  But in the end, you should know that knowing the age of your cat or cat is not necessary, but it can help you determine the appropriate diet and care they need،  Therefore, we will list some reliable signs to help you determine the age of your cat with ease:

 According to the nature of cats' teeth.

 Her activity and physical condition.

 Her coat color changed.

 Her habits and personal care.

 The shape of cat eyes.

 The nature of cat teeth

 Kittens begin to develop their teeth at the age of about two weeks, and those teeth end up appearing as soon as the cat reaches about 8 weeks of age, and when the cat reaches 4 months of age،  Their baby teeth begin to fall out as their adult teeth appear, and cats usually have all of their adult teeth once they reach the age of 7 months،  For more information about cat teeth, you can read our article about how many cat teeth there are and how to take care of them during teething.

 As for large cats, the amount of tartar and the color of their teeth is a clear indicator to determine their age, but with the availability of some products for cat dental hygiene and the use of cat toothpaste, it becomes difficult to determine their age.

 Judging age based on your cat's teeth may be a bit difficult, but you should know that this method is only useful for 7-month- how to tell the age of a female cat

how to tell the age of an older cat 

Cat eye shape

 Cats' eyes change as they get older.Young cats have bright, bright eyes, but once a cat reaches about six years of age, their lenses become a little blurry, with some secretions and tears.  For more information, you can read our article on how to clean cats' eyes.

how to know the age of a kitten

how to tell a cats age by their eyes

 Coat changed

 When cats are young, their coat is extremely soft, as if they are touching a piece of silk, but as the cat gets older, the color of its coat changes and it also becomes rough and thick.

 Her habits and personal care

 Your cat's activity level and care habits may provide some clues about her age, as kittens are very playful and active, unlike big cats, which are slow in their movement.

 In addition, it is known that cats are creatures that love cleanliness, but when they grow older they are slow to clean themselves, due to the presence of some aging diseases such as arthritis or dental inflammation.

 The age of cats compared to humans

 In general, the average lifespan of cats ranges from approximately 15 to 20 years.Unlike humans, their average lifespan is approximately 60 years, but the stages of cat development differ from the stages of human development،  Cats mature more quickly.For example, a month-old cat is equal to a year-old child, and a 3-month-old cat is equal to a 3-

Characteristics of the Bombay cat

year-old child.  Here's the thing in more detail:

 1 month old kit = 1 year old baby.

month old cat = 4 year old baby.

month old cat = 10 year old person.

  month old cat = 15 year old person.

  month old cat= 21 year old person  .

 years old cat= 24 year old person.

  year old cat= 28 year old person.

year old cat = 60 year old person.

how to tell the age of a male cat old cats.

 Stages of cat life development

Cats go through six stages during their growth, and at each stage their needs and requirements differ just like ours.For example, kittens need to go out and learn to hunt،  But when you become a big cat, that is, an adult, you need more care and attention, so you must read the tasks of each of the following stages in order to learn how to deal with your cat according to its age:

 Newborn kitten to a year old:

 This is the time when cats grow faster and learn what is most safe and unsafe in their environment.

 A kitten from one to two years:

 At this stage, cats grow to their full size during this period and continue to learn important skills such as playing and hunting.

 Prime cat or Prime from 3 to 6 years:

 At this stage, cats are at the peak of their lives and are usually at the peak of their fitness.  This is when they are human in their mid-twenties to forties.

 A mature cat is 7 to 10 years old:

 at this stage the cat is considered large and begins to slow down a little and gain weight.  This is when they are human in their mid-forties to mid-fifties

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 Older cat 11 to 14 years old:

At this point your cat may not be as agile as it used to be and her health needs to be closely monitored،  Because at this age it is equivalent to the age of seventy for a person.

 An old cat aged 15 years and over:

At this stage, your cat is old and needs full care, just like elderly humans, because at this stage it is equivalent to the age of 76 for humans.

With my best wishes



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