How do you know if a fish is sleeping?



How do fish sleep


 Fish vary in their shapes, types, and colors, as the Creator created them in their composition, and they are very similar in their external composition, as they are covered with scales and scales, and some of them are covered with skin ،  As in dolphins, whales and sharks.

 Ways to obtain food for fish vary.

Some are vegetarians who feed on plants that live on the ocean floor, while others feed on w Do fish swim when they sleep?

eak marine organisms and small fish such as sharks.

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How do you know if a fish is sleeping?
?How do you know if a fish is sleeping

 As for methods of protection and self-defense :

  Many of them resort to protecting themselves with the help of their color, and hide between marine plants and coral that are similar in color, so it is not clear and visible to their predator, and some of them secrete chemicals that harm their surroundings ،  Which gives them a chance to escape and hide like an octopus.

 As for predatory fish, they rely on their large size, strength, and sharp fangs to defend themselves against their predatory fish counterparts

Do fish sleep or close their eyes?

Do fish sleep on the bottom?

 Fish eyelids during sleep:

 Fish are distinguished by their way of sleeping.Most fish do not have lower or upper eyelids around their eyes, so their eyes remain open all the time, until bedtime.  She winks, so her eyelids are called wink eyelids.

 However, sharks do not close their eyelids while sleeping, but rather sleep with their eyes open like other fish.  Internal processes that have been active throughout the day slow down, and the body enters a state of rest and slumber.

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 Fish sleeping places and parking:

 What is noteworthy is that some fish sleep on their stomach, or on one side of it, and appear as if they are lying on the bed, and some of them may sleep while swimming horizontally ،  During their sleep, many fish resort to burying themselves under dirt to provide protection for them during sleep.They are predatory fish that are active at night, like elusive fish in the Caribbean Sea.

 As for the striped parrot fish, it secretes a mucous fluid that wraps around its body before it sleeps.  Not all fish sleep at night.  Some fish sleep during the day, begin their activity, and search for food at night.

 Example of sleep:

 Just as a bear hibernates in the winter, and sleeps for several months until the end of winter, some fish sleep for several months, such as the lungfish, which hibernates in the summer, where it goes to sleep throughout the dry and hot summer.  So she digs herself a hole in the bottom of the river or spring in which she lives.  It covers itself with dirt and sleeps until winter comes.

 Some fish continue to move while they sleep, in order to obtain sufficient oxygen.There are some fish that sleep in coral reefs, and there are some types of fish that do not have to swim while they sleep ،  Such as: sharks, which sleep at the bottom and use their mouth to push water into the gills, without having to swim to get oxygen.

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 Fish sleep time:

 Many fish have specific sleep schedules, such as humans and animals.  Some fish are diurnal and move during the day, such as: ornamental fish, but they rest at night.There are some species that are nocturnal, and their activity and search for food are at night ،  Spending the day sleeping inside a cave or in any crevice.

 There are some types of fish that do not sleep throughout the period of caring for their children, and there are types of fish that do not sleep until they are 5 to 6 months old, such as tilapia ،  Wild fish do not sleep during their migration, and there is a type of fish called blind cave fish that never sleep, and researchers believe that the reason for this is due to the complete darkness in which they live

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 Sleeping in fish:

 Do you know how fish sleep? Sleep is a natural phenomenon experienced by living organisms, including humans.  It aims to get rid of the pain and pressure that living organisms are exposed to during the day ،  In some stages of sleep, the brain witnesses a state of increased activity and rearrangement and organization of the events and experiences that the person goes through throughout the day, contrary to the prevailing belief that the brain stops its activity during sleep ،  Although the reasons that make sleep a vital necessity are unclear, we know that sleep is necessary in order for us to continue living, and that deficiency leads to feelings of lethargy and confusion.

  As for long-term deprivation, it has a significant impact on the human psyche, and its effect is similar to poisoning.  Therefore, sleep deprivation has been used as a form of torture throughout history, and to understand the importance of sleep for living organisms in general, it is sufficient to know that laboratory mice have an average age of three years ،  She dies if she is deprived.  From sleep for three weeks.

 How do fish sleep:

 The need of living organisms for sleep varies; In terms of duration and pattern from one species to another, sleep, as is known, is the period during which an organism suffers from a decrease in physical activity ،  And a lower response to stimuli, and in advanced animals such as mammals, this can happen.  It is known that animals sleep from closed eyes, or by studying distinct patterns of electrical activity of the brain during sleep.  The way you sleep varies from one organism to another.

 For example, humans lie on the bed to sleep, horses, elephants, and giraffes sleep in a standing position, while the bat sleeps with its legs and head down, and whales and dolphins sleep in a unique way ؛  Half of her brain sleeps, while the other half stays awake, but in terms of the time animals spend sleeping, it also varies from one species to another ؛  The giraffe needs thirty minutes of deep sleep divided into separate periods of sleep, while the brown bat needs to sleep about twenty hours a day.  The sleep pattern of young animals differs from that of adults of the same species; Mammals, for example, need less sleep as they move from childhood to adulthood ،  While small killer whales and flask-nosed dolphins do not appear to sleep during the first few months of their lives.

 It is difficult to apply the usual standards when studying sleep behavior in fish, as they do not have complex brain structures that can measure the change in their electrical activity when sleeping, nor do they have eyelids that can be closed ،  By contrast.  These are other phenomena that indicate that fish are asleep, such as: being inactive for a long time, being in a comfortable position, often in a shelter, or decreased response to usual stimuli.  Research indicates that fish suffer from a state of unconsciousness (in English: suspended animation) somewhat similar to sleep in humans ،  Their activity decreases and their metabolism decreases while remaining alert to the risks surrounding them.  It may hide in mud or coral reefs.

Cow animal

 Sleep patterns of different fish species:

 Here are some sleep patterns that scientists have studied for fish that live in artificial aquariums:

 Mozambican tilapia, scientifically known as Oreochromismosambicus, relaxes at the bottom of the water basin when sleeping.Its breathing rate decreases, the eyes stop moving, and the fish do not show a response when provided with food ،  Or when exposed to a stimulus such as electric current.

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Scientifically known as when lying down with his fins extended on the pelvic floor, his heart and respiratory activity are less active than usual, and he does not respond to stimuli such as sound or touch.

 The zebrafish sleeps horizontally during the night, or it may float with its head slightly above body level.The movement of the mouth and gills decreases by half, and it is difficult to alert it, and when fish are deprived of this type of sleep ،  Their sleep episodes become longer, and their ability to respond to stimuli is less than usual, known as the rebound effect.

 Oscar Fish:

  They remain quiet during the night at the bottom of the tank, with their eyes directed downward, and do not respond to stimuli.  On the other hand, there are other fish that belong to the tilapia family, to which the Oscar fish belongs, and they can sleep near the bottom or above the water column.

 Different styles:

 Some cichlids stop moving, and their pelvic fins fall downward when they sleep, but they sometimes become active and begin to move as their pelvic fins are directed upward.  Examples of this type of fish include:

rainbow crustaceans and schlade confit.:

 condemned tilapia.

 Some species of fish sleep hidden in holes and crevices, between plants and coral reefs, inside sponges, or burying themselves in the sand.

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 Parrot fish are secreted

  A mucous membrane in which they wrap themselves, or close the door of their shelter so that they can sleep and protect themselves from external parasites and predatory fish.This is because mucus prevents the smell of fish and makes it difficult to determine where you sleep. .

 When fish sleep, their breathing becomes slower, and when the activity of fish brains is monitored using modern technologies, it is found that they can sleep in a deep sleep, just like reptiles, mammals, and birds ،  But after the monitoring period has passed, rapid eye movement does not appear during deep sleep.

 There are some types of fish that surround themselves with mucous fluid while they sleep, in order to protect themselves from predators while they sleep .

With my best wishes



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