What are the characteristics of a falcon?



Falcon, its types and characteristics 

 His name:

  The falcon, whose scientific name is (Falco), is a vertebrate, from the phylum Chordata and the family Ashburidae.It is found all over the world, and usually lives in tree holes, or on the natural edges of slopes،  The female is larger and bolder than the males, and the falcon is distinguished by its speed and ability to catch other birds that are the same size or smaller in the air.

What are the characteristics of a falcon?
What are the characteristics of a falcon

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What is the classification of a falcon? 


 The average body length of a falcon is between 22-40 cm.


  The average weight of a falcon ranges between 0.7-1.2 kg.

 Animal characteristics:

 The falcon is a medium-sized bird.It has two wings, with a wingspan of between 74-120 cm.It also has a sharp and pointed beak, which can catch its prey while it is outdoors،  It is considered one of the fastest animals on land and in the air. 

What is the most common type of falcon?

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 Its speed:

 The falcon is the fastest animal; Its speed is about 321.87 km per hour.

 Average age:

 The falcon lives for a period of time ranging between 12-18 years. 

 Types of falcons:

 There are many types of falcons, and some of them are mentioned below:


Team falcon

Falcon movie

 Falcon Al Shaheen:

 This type of falcon can be found in all places except Antarctica.Its average length is 34-58 cm, while its weight ranges between 330-1500 g،  Females are larger than males.

 American Kestrel Falcon:

 It is the smallest falcon in America, but despite this, it is a skilled hunter, has a diverse diet, and the species flies to a relatively low altitude in order to search for and capture insects, rodents, and invertebrates،  Its length ranges from 22-31 cm, and its weight ranges from 80-165 g.

 Merlin Falcon:

 It is a very ferocious species of falcon.It has pointed wings, a full build, and a medium-length tail, ranging in length from 23-33 cm, and a weight of 125-300 g.

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 Prairie falcon:

 This species is found in grasslands and tree deserts, in addition to farm fields and pastures.It is very similar to the peregrine falcon, but it is less weighty than it, as its length ranges between 37-47 cm،  Its weight is between 425-1106 grams. 


Falcon Gear:

 It is the largest species of falcon in the world.It is found in the Arctic, and breeds on the sides of slopes in remote areas of Alaska and Canada.Its length ranges between 48-65 cm،  Its weight ranges between 794-2268 grams.

 Abu Malmadu Falcon:

  This species cooperates in hunting its prey, as one falcon scares and expels the prey from its hiding place, and the other falcon waits in order to catch and kill the prey.Its length ranges between 35-45 cm،  While its weight ranges between 170-400 grams. 

 Falcon behavior:

 Below is some general information about the movement, traits and behavior of the falcon:

 Communication and behavior:

 Falcons are generally solitary, but they form a large herd at the time of migration.

 Falcons store food in distant crevices for later use.

 Voices are used to communicate with each other, to declare their ownership of an area, or for food or regional conflicts.

 Females and young make different sounds than males in order to beg for food.

 Falcons hover around a specific area for quick prey hunting.

 Movement and general characteristics:

 Falcons are distinguished by their movement and speed.It is considered the fastest creature in the world.

 It is distinguished by its enormous and high ability to fly.

 Falcons have transparent eyelids and large lenses in their eyes.

 Falcons have a toothed beak, in addition to appearing in several colors.Such as white, black, brown, grey, and yellow.

Aplomado falcon

What does it mean when you see a falcon

 Falcon feeding:

 The falcon feeds on a group of foods, which are as follows:

 meat; It is the staple food for falcons.

 Rodents and small reptiles.

 Small amphibians.

 Mice, rats, and rabbits.

 Small birds that a hawk can catch with its beak. 

 Falcon Health:

 The falcon may suffer from some diseases, the most important of which are the following:

 Lead poisoning disease:

 This disease occurs due to the falcon being exposed to a non-fatal blow using a gun, which affects it due to the presence of lead residue in it.Its symptoms are weakness, lethargy, weight loss and appetite, diarrhea, and dark stool،  In addition to irregular movements of the head and deflection of his head.

 Capillary disease:

  Or the so-called farsa worm, which is a parasite whose length ranges between 1-5 cm, which leads to the formation of a white membrane in the esophagus, and this disease is transmitted by eating earthworms،  Its symptoms are delay in digesting food, loss of weight and appetite, in addition to weakness or loss of the ability to fly.


  It is caused by single-celled parasites that infect the falcon's intestines and lead to the appearance of blood in the stool, dehydration, and weight loss due to the inability to absorb food and fluids in the intestines.


  It is caused by parasites that infect the falcon’s body, as they are transmitted through contaminated water or falcon feces.Its symptoms are represented by the falcon’s refusal to eat, tearing food into pieces without eating it, in addition to loss of appetite،  An unpleasant odor emanated from his mouth, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the eyelids.


 It is an infectious viral disease that spreads quickly among birds.Its symptoms are sprains or shaking in the head, paralysis of the legs and wings, weakness and loss of appetite, green diarrhea and vomiting, in addition to eye inflammation،  Nose discharge, hoarseness, and this disease may lead to death.  

 Harmful effects and benefits of falcon:

 Falcon has some benefits and harms, including the following:

 Falcons sometimes kill fish, birds, poultry, or livestock, affecting humans.

 Falcons feed on pests or carrion.

 It kills rats, crows, and sea weddings. 

 The difference between a falcon and an eagle:

 Here are some morphological and behavioral differences between a hawk and an eagle:

 Eagles are more powerful and larger than hawks.

 Eagles have wide, rounded wings, while hawks have long, pointed wings.

 Eagles' eyes appear pale yellow, while hawks' eyes appear dark brown.

 Eagles have a strong physique, while hawks have a slender body.

 Eagles are aggressive animals unlike hawks.

 Eagles have a prominent eyebrow-like rim above their eyes, while hawks lack it.  

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 Other information about the falcon:

 Falcon reproduction:

 Here is some general information about falcon reproduction: 

 The mating season for hawks occurs in the spring.

 The falcon reaches sexual maturity when it is only one year old.

 Most hawk species are monogamous, meaning they have one partner throughout their lives.

 The female has full responsibility for raising and caring for the young, while the father's role is to hunt and bring food.

 Falcons lay between 2-4 eggs, and their incubation period lasts for a month.

 Falcons vary in how long they need to start flying and become self-reliant. 

 Falcon sleep:

 Falcons are animals that are active during the day and sleep at night, but this does not mean that they sleep deeply throughout the night, as they may wake up at night to move their bodies.Then she goes back to sleep،  They may hunt or migrate at night. 

 Falcon adaptation methods:

 Here are some ways for a falcon to adapt to its environment: 

 It has long, narrow wings to help it fly, change flight direction quickly, and dive at high speeds.

 Falcon vision is eight times higher than human vision, enabling them to know and observe where prey is and capture it even if it is fast.

 Falcons use the teeth on the side of the upper beak to kill their prey.

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 Amazing facts about the falcon:

 Here are some strange and surprising facts about the falcon:

 There are about 40 species of hawks around the world.

 Falcons' sense of smell is weak, while their sense of sight is very strong.

 Falcons can see ultraviolet rays.

With my best wishes


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