Information about the eagle



Information about the eagle bird, its characteristics and ways of living 


Eagle :

It is one of the birds of prey that is widespread on the continents of the world, with the exception of Antarctica and Oceania. Eagles are characterized by keen eyesight and the ability to fly at high altitudes.

They are among the animals that feed mainly on carrion.

Which makes it of great importance to

the environment

What are 5 facts about eagles?

Information about the eagle
Information about the eagle

?What are the details about the owl 

Types of eagle:

There are two types of eagles:

Old World Eagles :

Which belongs to the Accipitridae family, which also includes the eagle, buzzard, goshawk, and New World vultures belonging to the Cathartidae family.

New World Eagles:

New World vultures are distinguished by several characteristics, including that they do not build a nest, but rather lay their eggs in cracks in high rocks, or in tree cavities, and they are also bare-headed from feathers.

This is so that the blood does not stick to the feathers when the eagle places its head inside the carcass.

This is because the presence of feathers encourages the growth of bacteria, while the bare head is exposed to sunlight, which eliminates bacteria and protects the eagle from diseases، Also, New World vultures do not have a throat, so; It can only produce hissing and humming.

 Among the most famous types of New World vultures:

What do eagles eat?


 Roman eagle:

Scientifically known as Cathartes aura, it is one of the most widespread New World vultures.

Rome vultures are considered small in size, and their wingspan (the distance between the wings) reaches approximately two metres, and the color of their feathers is brownish-black, and the color of the head of the turkey vulture chick is dark gray, turning red in adulthood.

The smell of the turkey vulture is very developed, so it is the first to find carrion.

Black Eagle :

Scientifically known as Coragyps atratus, it is the most widespread type of eagle, and is sometimes called the carrion crow.

The black eagle lives in tropical and subtropical regions.

But it often reaches temperate regions while roaming.

It is a black bird with a stocky body, its body length reaches (60) centimeters, and it has two short wings, a very short tail, and a bare head of feathers.

But the back of the neck is covered with feathers.

What is a short note about eagles?

King Eagle :

Scientifically known as Sarcoramphus papa, it lives in the lowland tropical forests extending from southern Mexico to Argentina.

It is multi-colored.

Its head and neck appear red, yellow, bluish, and gray, while the eyes are white with red rings, its upper feathers are orange, and the lower part is white.

The wingspan of the king eagle reaches two meters, and the body length is about 80 centimetres.

What is special about eagle?

Andean condor :

Scientifically known as the Vultur gryphus, it and the California condor are considered among the largest birds that can fly.

The wingspan of the male Andean condor can reach (3.2) meters, and the weight of the male reaches (15) kilograms, while the weight of the female reaches (11) kilograms. The male's body color is black and his wing feathers are grayish-white.

The color of the head, neck, and gizzard is red or pink, and the neck is surrounded by white feathers.

California condor :

Scientifically known as Gymnogyps californianus, its body length from beak to tail usually reaches 2.9 metres.

 Both male and female California condors weigh up to 11 kilograms.

 The adult condor is black, its wings are surrounded by lines of white feathers, and the color of the head, neck, and gizzard is between red and orange. Old World vultures differ from New World vultures in that they have a throat and can make different sounds such as grunting, croaking, and shouting.

They also build nests of sticks on trees or rocks, and have wide wings and strong feet and beaks.

Eagle bird


 Among the most famous vultures of the ancient world:

Gray eagle :

It is sometimes called the black eagle, and is scientifically known as Aegypius monachus.

It lives in southern Europe, Asia Minor, the central steppes, and the highest mountains in Asia.

It is one of the largest birds that can fly, and some scientists consider it the largest eagle and the largest bird of prey ever. The gray eagle's body is approximately one meter long and weighs (12.5) kilograms.

It has two wide wings whose distance reaches approximately (2.7) meters.

It is black in color and has a short, wedge-shaped tail.

 Egyptian eagle or Pharaoh's chicken :

Scientifically known as Neophron percnopterus, it is spread from North and East Africa to Southern Europe, and from the Middle East to Afghanistan and India.

It is a small eagle whose body length reaches (60) centimeters. Its feathers are white with a little black feathers on the wing, and its face is bare of feathers, but there are gradually long feathers on the head.


American eagle

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 Griffon vulture :

Scientifically known as Gyps fulvus, it is widespread in southern Russia, the Balkans, northwest Africa, and the Spanish highlands. Its plumage is red above and reddish-brown with some white stripes below.

It has several types, including:

Indian white-backed vulture :

 It is scientifically known as G.bengalensis.

 The Indian vulture or long-billed vulture (in English: Long-billed vulture) is scientifically known as G.indicus.

 Cylindrical-billed eagle 

Scientifically known as G.tenuirostris, it is one of the vultures whose numbers have decreased significantly.

This is due to medications given to livestock to relieve pain, but when these animals die and the vultures eat their carcasses, they cause kidney failure.

 The eared eagle or the Nubian eagle  :

Scientifically known as Torgos tracheliotus, it lives in Africa, and its wingspan reaches (2.7) meters, while its body length reaches one meter.

It is a strong eagle that controls other eagles during feeding.

Its feathers from above are black and brown, while the abdominal area is white.

It has a wedge-shaped tail.

Its face is pink or red in color, and skin with many folds extends from both sides of its head, which is bare of feathers. Palm nut eagle :

Scientifically known as Gypohierax angolensis, it lives in West and Central Africa. Its body length reaches approximately 50 centimetres, and it has an orange face, bare of feathers, and a yellow beak.What is surprising is that it is vegetarian in nutrition.

However, he sometimes eats some dead crustaceans and fish.

Red-headed eagle :

Scientifically known as Sarcogyps calvus, it lives from Pakistan to Malaysia.

Its body length is approximately 75 centimeters, and its wingspan reaches 2.7 metres.

Its feathers are black, and at the chest the feathers are white, it has a huge black beak, and its skin extending from both sides of the neck has multiple 


 White-headed eagle :

Scientifically known as Trigonoceps occipitalis, it is distinguished by its pale yellow face, triangular shape, and red beak. Its feathers are black, except for the tips of the wings and abdomen, where the feathers are white.

Its body length reaches (80) centimeters, and its wingspan reaches (1.8) meters.

Adaptation of vultures :

To eat carrion, eagles feed on carrion and rotting flesh, which may cause many diseases for other animals and birds.

They also often begin to eat carrion from the anus area, which gives them a natural outlet into the carrion.

They also wait until the carrion’s skin becomes porous.

Which means that the decomposition and rotting of the carrion has reached its extent, and this means that the average eagle’s food is rich in bacteria, 

toxic substances, and feces.

 What protects it from disease:

Michael Rogenback, a researcher in microbiology at the University of Copenhagen, says that vultures are distinguished by their ability to adapt to the types of toxic bacteria that digest them.

Their acidic digestive tracts are chemically qualified to deal with bacteria and filter them.

On the one hand, the digestive system of vultures is able to destroy most of the types of deadly bacteria that it digests.

On the other hand, we find that its digestive system has the strength and ability to coexist with types of bacteria that are considered fatal to many organisms، These bacteria, in turn, were able to withstand the harsh conditions of the eagle’s digestive tract.

Not only that, but they also contribute to the analysis of nutrients within the digestive tract.

What is surprising is that when the bacteria found in the feces of some eagles that live in the Copenhagen Zoo were analyzed, which Its diet is similar to the diet of other birds of prey in the park؛ It was found that its feces contained bacteria similar to those found in the feces of free vultures that feed on carrion, while it was different from the feces of birds that share the same diet in the garden.

Which raises the idea that the nature of the eagle’s digestive system may have a greater impact on the intestinal contents of bacteria than the effect of the eagle’s diet. Previous results indicate that the relationship between germs and the digestive process in vultures is more complex than previously thought.


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