The most dangerous types of dogs




The most dangerous types of dogs

 The most dangerous dog breeds:

  The German Shepherd dog breed, or German Shepherd, was classified as a dangerous and ferocious dog breed for the first time since the 1960s.

The most dangerous types of dogs
The most dangerous types of dogs


 The most dangerous dog breeds:

  The German Shepherd dog breed, or German Shepherd, was classified as a dangerous and ferocious dog breed for the first time since the 1960s.

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  Then the dog was classified as a Doberman breed:

  However, it has been a dangerous dog since the 1970s.

  In the early 1980s, the Pitbull dog was classified as a dangerous dog, as the issue of the ferocity of these dogs was published in the media, which led to a change in the stereotypical view of dogs.

  It is worth noting that the Pitbull dog has been classified as one of the most dangerous types of dogs in the world, so ownership of this dog has been 

banned in many modern societies،  Many shelters no longer adopt 


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  Pitbull breed : 

 The pitbull breed is classified into three different types: the American pitbull breed, the American Stanfordshire breed, and the Staffordshire Bull Trier breed, as these dogs were originally bred as hunting dogs.

  This is in order to attack and hunt large animals, such as wild boars, and to fight, in addition to herding livestock.

Beatbull dogs also have a strong jaw, through which they can bite prey, This is why it is one of the most dangerous dogs.  The American pitbull is considered an unofficial breed, as it was used as a guard dog. 

Its length at the shoulder is approximately 50 cm,

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while its weight is 23 kg.  Shepherd breed:

  The German Shepherd dog breed, or German Shepherd, is considered one of the most powerful dogs found in Germany since the beginning of the twentieth century, as its length at the shoulder is 64 cm, while its weight is about 27-38 kg، 

The body of this dog has two layers of skin: a hard, strong, low-crowning outer layer, and a dense, woolly inner layer, usually black or grey.

  This type of dog was also trained to graze farm animals.

In addition, it was trained as a police dog, a letter carrier, patrol dogs in wars, and an assistant to the blind, It has also recently been considered a pet. 

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  Doberman Pinscher :

 The German Doberman is considered a strong and agile dog.It is about 61-71 cm long and weighs approximately 27-40 kg،  This dog also has a smooth, short layer of black, blue, or red skin, with rust-colored marks on the head, throat, chest, feet, and tail.

This breed is characterized by being alert, bold, and alert, 

She is characterized by loyalty and intelligence.

 Ghoul Dong Dynasty :

 It is called the Ghoul Dong breed, and it is considered one of the rare and mysterious dog breeds in the world.

It is distinguished by its intelligence and sincerity, in addition to its aggression at the same time.

It is native to Pakistan, and is also found in northern India، 

It is confused with other dog breeds.

 The Ghoul Dong has short, fine hair, hard bones, strong muscles, and a long back, and its color varies between white, black, and grey, 

The weight of its male ranges between 40 - 64 kg and its length ranges between 86 - 107 cm, while the weight of the female ranges between 40 - 64 kg, and its length ranges between 76 - 87 cm.

 These dogs need special care because they are dangerous dogs.

They cannot be left alone with the young without an observer, and they also need to renew their activity every day by taking them for walks and running.

Pitbull dog

 Urine terrier strain :

 The urine breed is called the Trier, and it is a somewhat fun breed.

It is characterized by intelligence, self-confidence, rebellion against orders, and sometimes aggression.

It has a very strong body, 

He needs to be trained and taught rules and orders when he is young to get used to them.  This dog has an oval head, a crooked nose, and wide eyes, and its length ranges between 40-55 cm.

The urine terrier may suffer from one of these diseases.

Deafness, tumors, heart and blood vessel diseases, And kidneys, joints, Very dangerous dog  

Rottweiler strain :

 Rottweilers are classified as very strong and ferocious.

They were initially used in Germany to push livestock to market and pull butchers' carts, and were also used as police dogs in the army.

  These dogs are characterized by calmness and self-confidence, in addition to having a thin thread and a tendency to aggression, so they need special education and care from a young age, in order to gain a calm mood and social intelligence, and in 2015 AD,  

It was the cause of death for at least 9% in the United States.

  The weight of the male ranges between 43 - 57 kg and its length ranges between 61 - 69 cm, while the weight of the female ranges between 39 - 53 kg and its length ranges from 56 - 61 cm.

types of dogs

 Bulldog dynasty:

  It is called the Bulldog breed, and it is a breed close to the Pitbull breed.

These dogs need special training systems to maintain their safety.

They are also distinguished by their physical strength and their weight ranges between 27 - 55 kg, 

While its length ranges between 51 - 71 cm.

They must be raised very carefully so that their aggression does not develop, so as not to cause serious accidents.

Statistics in the United States in 2016 estimated that 6% of deaths, The result of the dog attack was due to the bulldog, which is lower than the pitbull.

types of dogs

 Polmastiv dynasty :

 Called the Bulmastiv breed, it is one of the large dog breeds.

It has a stubborn personality and is known for its loyalty to its owners and dedication to them.

It becomes aggressive when strangers or unwelcome animals enter its territory, They must be taken care of when they are young and trained to recognize those coming to the house, so that they do not become aggressive towards them. 

  These dogs are distinguished by their extreme strength, their weight ranges between 46 - 59 kg, and their length ranges between 61 - 69 cm, The death rate as a result of attacks launched by bulldogs in the 

United States reached 5% of the total death toll due to dog attacks, and their hostility extends to other dogs of their kind, 

In addition to any animals approaching its land.

 Husky dynasty:

  It is called the Husky breed.

It is considered the most dangerous dog breed ever.

It is a medium-sized dog, strong, ferocious, and aggressive to the point of killing and destroying everything it can reach, 

The reason for this is that they are wild dogs found in the harsh environment of Siberia, where there is snow and low temperatures, which gave them a strong build.

  This breed is also distinguished by the intelligence of its dogs and their ability to learn quickly, but at the same time they are very stubborn, and the length of adults ranges between 51 - 58 cm, It weighs between 16 - 27 kg.

Husky dogs need special training and a lot of effort in breeding in order to be able to participate in social life, and they caused 6%  One of the deadly attacks in the United States in 2009, resulting in serious injuries and deaths. 

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Chow Chow Dynasty :

 It is called the Chow Chow Dynasty, and it is one of the noble dynasties.

In the past, it was raised in the homes of the Chinese Empire, and it is said that it combines the ferocity of a lion, the cunning of a panda, the independence of a cat, and the sincerity and dedication of a dog،  It is also not very aggressive,and the dog weighs between 18-32 kg and is between 43-51 cm long.

 With my best wishes



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