Why is it called a curlew?




 curlew bird

 The curlew bird, as soon as you quickly hear its name, comes to mind a picture of a bird singing in the last hours of the night.

 Male curlews are particularly known for their wonderful singing, which can be directed at their favorite person or thing or reflected in the mirror.  When not whistling or keeping themselves busy searching for food and having fun around the cage, curlews often enjoy spending their free time standing on their favorite person's shoulder.  A healthy, socially mixed cockatiel can be a great family pet, and is ideal for living in an apartment. Why do curlews scream at night?

Why is it called a curlew?
?Why is it called a curlew

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Natural habitat of curlew birds:

 Curlews have their origins in the semi-arid regions of Australia.  This open environment may be a reason why cockatiels do not have the ear-penetrating cry of parrots that originated in dense rainforests.  Wild curlews fly on the ground in search of food.  Curlews breed easily in the wild and are easy to breed in captivity, making them widely available as pets at a lower cost than most other parrot species.  Wild curlews are always alert to predators and sleep lightly.  A pet curlew may have a nighttime terror attack, wrapping around the cage at night as if stunned.  You can help the curlew get back into place by leaving a night light on in its room.

Is a curlew a bird?

What does a curlew sound mean?

 Types of curlew :

 The curlew features a sickle-shaped beak that curves down at the tip.  Its feathers, which mix several colors, are grey, brown, white and black, and its neck and legs are somewhat long.  Some people are confused between the song cocktail and the curlew but they are completely separate birds.

curlew meaning

 There are 7 different types of curlew, and these types include the


1-Polar curlew

 The polar curlew breeds throughout the subarctic regions of Asia, Europe, and North America, and in winter it migrates to South America, southern North America, South Asia, and Africa.

 The length of the polar curlew ranges between 37 and 47 cm.It also has a grayish-brown wing, while the upper and lower parts of it are white.  The polar curlew feeds on insects and crustaceans, and it also feeds on some plants such as berries.  2.  The curlew is slender-billed

2-Slim-billed curlew :

 Its length ranges between 36 and 41 cm, and it is distinguished by its gray-brown plumage.  It was known by this name because of its long and thin beak, and this type of curlew is considered the most threatened with extinction.  This is due to overfishing, habitat loss, and pollution, which has led to a significant decrease in the number of this type of curlew.

 As of 2007 it was estimated that only about 50 adult birds were alive.  It is therefore classified as "endangered" on the IUCN Red List. 

3-Water curlew or Eurasian curlew:

  It is a type of curlew that lives in temperate regions of Asia and Europe, then flees south in the winter and sometimes to the continent of Africa. 

 The length of the Eurasian curlew ranges between 50 and 60 cm.  It also has relatively long legs, and a long, curved beak.  It is also classified as a near-extinction threat animal.  4.  Herbal curlew 

4-Herbal curlew :

 It is a type of curlew that lives in the grasslands of Central and Western America.It also migrates south to the coasts during the winter.  The herbaceous curlew is known for its long, low, curved beak with a small head and long neck.  Its length ranges between 50 and 65 cm. 

5-Middle curlew :

 It is considered the largest in curlew species, ranging in length from 60 to 66 cm, and its long beak helps it examine clay for food.  The middle curlew breeds in swamps and on the shores of lakes in Northeast Asia.  It is considered an endangered bird, with its numbers reaching only about 38,000 birds by 2006.  6.  Small curlew 

6-Small curlew :

 It is a small species of curlew that lives in the far north of Siberia and migrates to Australia in winter.  The small curlew inhabits cultivated fields and grasslands on the banks of freshwater bodies.  It has greyish-brown plumage and a white belly.  7.  Eskimo curlew

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7-Eskimo curlew :

 It is a species of curlew that used to live in Alaska, but it is an extinct animal, since none of them have been seen for nearly 30 years. 

8-Egyptian curlew, desert curlew, or rock curlew : 

 It is a crow-sized bird with a large head, long yellow legs, and relatively long wings and tails.  The Egyptian curlew is active at night, and its large yellow eyes in the pitch dark enable it to locate food.  Contrary to popular belief, the Egyptian curlew does not belong to the recognized curlew family, the types of which we previously mentioned, but rather it is a separate type of migratory bird.

 Care and nutrition:

 The curlew needs a cage wide enough to hold many toys, food containers, and plenty of space to flap its wings without hitting anything.  A cage with a large front door is ideal because it makes it easier to return the curlew to its cage.  Curlew can feed on the bottom of the cage if given the opportunity; Cover the floor of the cage with newspaper, sprinkle crumbly candy, or sprinkle millet seeds to find them.  Curlews are social birds and thrive when they have opportunities to interact with you, whether it's gently caressing their cheek feathers, talking to them, or just being in the same room you live in.

 A healthy curlew diet includes balanced diets, such as, among other foods, fresh vegetables, and some seeds.  Well-kept curlews can live for over 20 years. 

 Personality and behavior:

 The position of the top of the curlew's feathers can tell you its mood.

  The top of straight feathers can mean that the bird is stunned or very curious.  The defensive curlew keeps its feathers flat near its head, and may be particularly stressed if it also makes a hissing sound.  The feathers of the relaxed curlew will be slightly back-spectrum, as well as the feathers of its swollen cheek .

 Toys designed to be damaged by small beaks are ideal for curlews and include pieces of paper or cardboard made of softwood or non-toxic raw leather that can be chewed.  

Curlews also love toys with hard plastic items, such as beads to mess with. 

Male curlews often look for mirrors and other reflective objects to call them a whistle.  The curlew may tend to fly off its cage or play on the ground, so be very careful when the bird is outside the cage so that it does not step on it and other pets, such as cats and dogs, cannot catch it. 

A female curlew may search for a dark, closed area to live in, such as a closet corner or behind furniture, so keep these areas out of bounds.  The curlew can be taught to whistle at you when pointing. 

 Speech and voice:

 Curlews tend to whistle more than to speak.  Male curlews are more likely to speak than females, and some can learn to pronounce a few words or phrases.  Curlews tend to dice rather than scream, and their relatively low noise level makes them a good pet for an apartment.  

The curlew may make a sound as you leave the room in an attempt to keep in touch with you. 

 Curlew health:

 Curlew sneezes several times a day to get rid of dust or lint from its edges, which may be accompanied by visible secretions. 

If it doesn't stop sneezing or the secretion doesn't have a clear color, call your vet.  

Curlews are great birds and their wings should be trimmed more compared to other parrots because they become able to fly soon after their feathers are trimmed.  Curlew feathers (get rid of old feathers and start growing new ones) fall out several times a year.

 The main health concern for female curlews is chronic egg laying, which can deplete her body of vital minerals and calcium and bind eggs, as she cannot pass the egg. 

Therefore, female curlews often need additional calcium in their diet, such as a calcium-fortified diet or supplements such as squid bone.  Because curlews often feed on a seed-based diet, they suffer from a lot of malnutrition and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  

A diet made from seeds is also high in fat, which can lead to fatty liver disease. 

A healthy, low-fat diet with the right balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids can go a long way in preventing curlew disease.

 Important information about the curlew:

1-The curlew bird has yellow eyes that distinguish it from

other birds, and it spends the day hiding, for fear of the raptors that prefer it for ease of hunting, as well as the person who kills it and does not eat its meat.

2-The curlew is a nocturnal bird, and thanks to its colors that

match the environment, it is one of the birds that is difficult to see, even if you are close to it, as its place remains motionless.

3-Curlew prefers open places, has few crops, and its main

 food is worms from carrion and insects, such as beetles, reptiles, lizards, and snakes.The majority of people do not eat it and do not prefer its meat because it eats carrion worms،  But it kills in vain because it is easy to catch, like Al-Khudairi.

 4-The curlew passes through Kuwait

in groups in the month of October, and its numbers were previously large, but now it is rarely seen،  He does not find a shelter to hide in after the destruction of the Kuwaiti environment through overgrazing, as well as being chased by fishermen, as he is afraid of flying and remains still in his place until he holds the hand،  Especially among falcon owners who train their falcons on it, instead of bustards, so the curlew is often sold in the market to be prey for the falcon.

5-The curlew bird has a loud voice to call his group before

 dawn to hide, and its voice is sad and famous among Arabs, especially poets.The late Arab writer Taha Hussein even gave his name to a famous novel of his, which is " Curlew prayer".

6-The curlew has four types that pass through the Arabian

Peninsula, but what passes through Kuwait is one type, which is the rock curlew, which is characterized by the presence of a white line on the wing.


With my best wishes



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