why do birds fly in groups in circles?



Reasons why birds live in groups


 Birds like to live with each other in many situations.

  This is to avoid many of the things that we will learn about in this article.

 We will learn about the main reasons why birds live side by side.  In addition to the reasons for the migration of birds, is this their choice or is it something instinctive.

Why do birds group?

What makes a flock of birds?

why do birds fly in groups in circles?
?why do birds fly in groups in circles

 Collective bird life:

 As we know that birds are creatures, we often see them living together.  Like

  Swallows, zebra finch or parrots (badgie, macaw, casco)

 Unlike most predatory birds that prefer to live alone, such as eagles.  This is because she does not want others to share her hunting, or to form a competition over the prey she is targeting.

 But most other birds prefer to live within universities and migrate within large flocks.  But why does she prefer to live in flocks?

Why are birds in pairs?

 What causes birds to form in flocks:

 There are many reasons why birds prefer to live in groups.

 Feeling safer than staying alone

 Its exposure to predation is weaker because there are hundreds around it

 Gain experience in hunting methods, or finding food, by learning from the oldest birds in the flock

 Distracting the attention of predatory animals and birds, making it difficult for them to hunt

 Ease of movement and migration by forming rows that break air currents.

 Easy to find a mating partner

 The ability to protect young from predators, due to the large numbers of young

 Quickly learn young people and gain experience about wildlife

 We have also seen that there are many positives, which make birds choose to live in groups.  But is it easy for birds to live in groups?  How do birds live in flocks?

 How birds live in groups:

 Living in groups may be the main reason why many species of birds remain extinct.  The great power of birds living in flocks is the speed of reproduction.

 Some types

  Between every 10 young people, 6 or 7 die

 .  This means that living together is the only option for rapid reproduction as some die and some live.

 For birds to live in groups means competition between males over females, and over power to the point that many species fight each other to the death.

 Living in groups for species that live on fish.  Sometimes it is difficult, because competition for fish and fishing location increases.

 Sometimes a weak husband never gets food and he and his children die because he was unable to bring them food.

 Another negative thing is that birds do not help each other in caring for the young.  This means that if a bird is preyed upon while going to bring food, this means that the young die of hunger.

What is a group of birds flying together called?


 Why do birds migrate from one place to another:

 There are many reasons depending on each type or species of bird.  But these are the main reasons among all bird species that migrate.

 Escaping from cold climates, such as swallows always migrate to areas with moderate temperatures.

 In order to reproduce.

 Climate changes.

 Environmental changes are often caused by humans.  For example, the types of birds that live by eating insects, sometimes due to spraying insecticides and eliminating insects on a large scale, these birds are forced to migrate to that place.

 Migration for food, this reason is often for species that eat names.  The types of birds that catch fish migrate to places where they are abundant.  (They often migrate twice a year, seasonally.).


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 How migratory birds tolerate long-distance flying:

 Birds often do not travel long distances at once.  Rather, it rests in many areas where it eats and sleeps to renew its energy.

 Sometimes birds stay in the same area for days if they feel safe, before they continue their migration.

 But sometimes birds are forced to travel long distances in some areas, because they are unsafe, meaning they cannot rest there.

 In this case, the oldest member leads the herd, where he is at the front and the others behind him are in the shape of the letter 7

why do birds fly in groups in circles

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 When do birds return to their homelands:

 Birds return to where they were born, instinctively when they feel it is time to return.

 But birds often return to their habitat after a year of absence, because bird migration is seasonal.

 The reason for her return is to give birth to children, so this process continues for thousands of years.

 Living birds in groups is a biological thing that they have been doing since their first day on Earth.  Without living in groups, many of the beautiful species we know today would not have become extinct.

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With my best wishes



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