What is the real name of the buzzard bird?



Information about the soaring falcon 

About the buzzard: 

 The buzzard (scientific name: Buteo buteo) belongs to the accipitriformes family and the order of raptors.It is a medium-sized hawk that can often be seen perched on electricity poles and fences،  It is considered one of the most famous birds of prey on the continent of Europe, and one of the most important information that may interest you about the buzzard is the following:

What is a buzzard?

What is the real name of the buzzard bird?
What is the real name of the buzzard bird?

?What are the details about the owl

  Common falcon or common falcon :

 It is one of the common hunting birds on the European continent.It is medium in size, highly variable in feathers, and a skilled hunter who holds his prey with his strong claws.It is his habit to eliminate his hunting on the ground ،  It feeds on small mammals such as rabbits and rodents, and it can feed on insects and worms .

  A bird migrating around countries in the spring and fall ،   Egypt is located on one of the most important migration routes in the world, through which many types of birds of prey pass, including hover hawks, which can be seen and followed on the migration route from northern Europe  To tropical Africa, it is common to see flocks of hovering hawks in the spring through South Sinai, most of which fly at a high altitude ،  It flies in the form of circles, indicating invisible currents of warm air rising above the ground and mountains .

 What does a buzzard symbolize?

Size and external appearance of the buzzard:

 The length of this bird ranges from 51-57 cm, while its mass ranges between 550-1000 grams for males, and 700-1300 grams for females, and the wingspan when flying ranges between 113-128 cm،  It is a large bird, with broad, round wings, a short neck and tail, and the bird's feathers combine several colors such as dark brown, light brown, and white.It has dark eyes and a hooked beak.

 The tips of the feathers are usually darker in color than the feathers themselves, and their colors can range from gray to black. 

savannah band

Why is the buzzard unique?

What is the real name of the buzzard bird?

 The appearance of these hawks increases their ferocity.They have sharp black eyes in the middle, and have transparent yellow borders extending on the sides.They also have bright yellow claws،  Its beak ranges in color from black to yellow, and its color varies depending on the color of their bodies.

 When flying, it always appears dark above and pale below, with dark patches at the kneecap on the underside of the wings and a dark, scuffed tip.  The call is in the form of a high-class meow.   

 Diet of the buzzard:

 This bird can eat mainly small mammals, birds, and carrion.It can also eat earthworms and large insects when there is a shortage of other prey.Among the animals that it can eat are mice and snakes،  And reptiles are like snakes. 

 In contrast, eagles, wild cats, and foxes can prey on the buzzard, which they usually prey on while eating food on the ground. 

 Home of the buzzard:

 This bird can be found throughout the continent of Europe, and the countries in which it can be found include: Scotland, Ireland, France, Greece, and others.It can also be found on the continent of Asia،  Among the countries where it can be found are: Russia, China, India, and Mongolia.It is a migratory bird that moves from cold regions to South Africa to spend the winter months. 

 It prefers to live within temperate regions, within forest areas, swamps, agricultural lands and around cities, towns and urban places near humans. 

 Falcon buzzard reproduction:

 The breeding season for the hawk sparrow extends from March to May, and it is a monogamous bird that is related to one partner for life،  The female usually lays a number ranging between 2-4 eggs at a time, which she incubates for a period ranging between 33-38 days until they hatch،  The feathers begin to grow in the young 50 to 60 days after hatching, and they leave the nest to live on their own after spending 14-16 weeks in the nest. 

 The buzzard reaches sexual maturity at 3 years of age, and its lifespan in the wild can reach 25 years.

It is accidentally caught as “free bird”:

  The buzzard is important for confronting the enamel bird 

  In the process of overfishing everything that flies, hunters and amateurs continue to violate the sanctity of wildlife،  By targeting all types of birds without knowing their importance and whether they have material value or not, such as the hoverbird, which is subjected to widespread overfishing. 

 Between “, birdshot, birdshot, mistletoe, and net”, the means vary, but the prey is the same, which is birds of all kinds, for the purposes of entertainment or trade to sell them alive or mummified،  In the midst of overfishing, there are a variety of birds, among which there are species that are useless to catch.Rather, there is harm in terms of disturbing the environmental balance, such as the long-legged plains buzzard.

 Which shows environmental activist Yaman Omran from the Syrian

 Wildlife Amateur Team  :

  This bird is a bird of prey, and it is a bird spread throughout Syria, and is widely found in several parts of Eurasia and North Africa،  Adding “It is true that the long-legged buzzard is called the surgeon's hawk, but it belongs to the goshawk family.”.

 Imran pointed out:

  The plains buzzard has no material value compared to the required birds of prey that are sold for large sums, and it is also difficult to train it for hunting،  He explained that he often falls victim to fishermen’s nets intended for hunting birds, and here we specifically mention legally prohibited fishing tools such as nets and mistletoe sticks, and there are also those who hunt him for acquisition and entertainment until he dies and go to his nests to plunder them،  There are those who mummify and sell it, especially since there are people who buy it and place it in their homes or offices as a masterpiece،  Not to mention the riflemen who are tempting hunters who shoot every bird in the sky just for fun, and they are many. 

 Imran confirmed that he documented several times looting of the nests of the long-legged buzzard, where the chicks are taken and raised at home, where the bird grows and is a pet،  It thus becomes tempting to sell to people who want to raise birds of prey in their homes. 

 Imran called on people who hunt birds of prey to release them to do their part in the wild،  And not to imprison them because they will die for several reasons, especially the psychological factor, as they are sensitive birds and their place is freedom in the sky, so they cannot bear confinement, indicating the spread of hunting during this period using wide nets،  The many mistletoe sticks distributed everywhere contributed to increasing the chances of them falling into these traps, indicating that any bird or small bird that is stuck in the net or mistletoe becomes a tempting target from the sky،  Then the bird of prey comes to pounce on him, so that he can fall and also get stuck in the trap. 

 Regarding the new Hunting Law No.14 of 2023, Omran explained that the law is important and has criminalized this type of hunting, especially for organisms related to biological control, including the long-legged buzzard and all raptors،  But we need an effective mechanism on the ground and a striking hand to control the fishing that is still continuing randomly, and fishermen are still offering birds for sale in the markets without fear or concern, and on social media pages. 

 The Central Council for Wild Hunting recently agreed to set the period for banning wild hunting from today, November 7, until August 31 next year،  The Council also discussed the executive instructions of the Wild Hunting Law No.14 of 2023, and permitted and prohibited means of fishing.


With my best wishes


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