Swift (bird)


Swift (bird)

Why is the swift called the bird that does not touch the ground:

Yes, there is a bird that does not touch the ground except in very certain cases

  The swift is called the groundless bird because it spends most of its life as a bird in the air, and even sleeps as a bird in the air.

Continue reading this article to learn more information about swifts

 The swift bird, called the common swift bird

  It is a bird that spends almost its entire life flying except for the short breeding season.Even at night, swifts do not land to sleep, but they leave themselves carried by the wind and are al

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 This bird is a swift.  It is a distinctive animal that has several characteristics that distinguish it from other birds and animals in general.  If you want to learn more about it, we invite you to read this article that provides information about this bird, which includes the following points:

Swift (bird)
Swift (bird)


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 What is a swift: 

 The swift bird is one of the swifts and is a family of birds that was named after these birds, i.e.the swift birds.It is also called the swift bird.  It is known because it is an aerial bird that does not descend to the ground.It eats and drinks while flying, and this is what its name means: the swift, meaning footless, because it never uses its feet and limbs،  He was always flying in the air, so much so that he thought she had no limbs, but it was confirmed that he had his feet when he sometimes stopped in the electrical leads or walls of houses and tall buildings،  Away from the ground or low places.

 This breed of bird is widely known in Europe, Asia, and South Africa, but today it is one of the endangered species, like many birds.

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 Specifications of the swift:

 The length of the swift is about 16-17 cm, its weight is about 40 grams, and the color of its feathers is dark black, except for the throat area, which can barely be seen in flight.

  Since these birds rarely land on the ground, the only way to recognize them is by their body shape and flight pattern.They usually hunt birds in groups and enjoy performing ingenious flight maneuvers،  They are also easily recognized in midair by their slit tail, long wings, and black plumage color.

  The swift is one of the fastest birds in horizontal flight, with a top speed of 69 mph.  Topics related to the behaviors of the kayak parrot: How to raise it What is the fastest bird in the world?  Budgie birds: the most famous pets after cats and dogs. Swifts are usually characterized by a way that shows their resemblance to swallows, but they differ in some elements, as their apparent and behavioral characteristics are:

 Short feathers of a different light to dark gray color: this is on the outer or outer part, i.e.the back, sides and wings.  Its color is usually light gray, but it may appear black.

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 White feathers from the underside:

  Unlike the upper side, the swift has short, white feathers in the abdomen and lower chin, as well as in the lower front wings.

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 Short feet :

  This bird's limbs are short, and it does not depend much anyway.

 Harmonic body:

  The structure of the bird resembles an airplane.Its body is elongated and graceful, and long headlights help us in the bird, quickly and without stopping.

 Divided tail:

 One of the transportation that distinguishes this breed from others is that its tail is divided into two, as it is fused and then separates into two parts, short and somewhat small.  This shape helps it fly for as long as possible.

 Its size is approximately the size of a swallow, or approximately 10 centimeters in length.  This is what makes it similar to the management of some bird lovers.

 A specific beak in the end helps him catch his food and duties, which are represented by small insects such as worms, spiders, bees, and other small insects.

 It is one of the birds that has a blade above the eye, and this is because it always flies, especially during the day, to help it identify the area and look well, blocking the sun’s rays that may hinder this process.

 The swift is one of the smart birds that does not have much strength.It mates once in its already short life, as it avoids engaging in clashes.

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 Features of the swift:

 Swifts have many different features, including the following list:

 The swift can sleep in the sky, which no other animal can do.

 These birds lay no more than five eggs annually.These birds cooperate, male and female, in raising and incubating the birds.

 It is considered threatened with extinction, because its reproduction rate is small per year, but it is a prey that is widely targeted by birds of prey such as hawks and eagles.

 There are more than 70 species of swift birds

 It depends on migration as a way of life.It migrates in winter and summer, and moves from one place to another according to the weather condition, which prefers warm weather

 It is considered one of the fastest birds in the animal kingdom.It is distinguished because it is difficult to chase, in addition to being quick to catch worms.  This is due to its body structure and size, which helps it fly at a very high speed.

 The swift can stay in the sky for more than five days and up to two weeks.  This is because he eats, drinks, and sleeps in the sky without any problems, and because when he migrates to distant areas.

 These birds live in small nests, and they live in cities and not in forests, so they place them in abandoned buildings, or in very high areas.  It avoids depressions for fear of being preyed upon on the ground.

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 Of very light birds:

  It is a very agile and very light bird.  Its lightness contributed to making it very fast and light, which also makes it pleasant to stay in the sky without getting tired.

 The swift is one of the birds that is active after dawn until sunset.

 It is true that it spends most of its life in the sky, but it may descend to Earth in order to lay eggs, and sometimes search for food.

 This was the important information about swifts, including specifications, features, and information that would help you identify this endangered animal, and this was due to natural hazards and the law of nature،  But this does not prevent taking some necessary measures to protect this distinctive aircraft،  Which consists of providing a reserve that helps him live and ensuring that future generations see this creativity created by the Almighty Creator.

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 Where does the swift live:

  Swifts prefer to live in areas with an abundance of flying insects that they depend on for their food،  They also prefer areas with large bodies of water where they can find a lot of insects even when it rains.  It builds its nest in cracks in rocks or in tree cavities, or they nest in holes in the facades of buildings and cracks in walls.

   Breeding and mating of the swift :

The mating and breeding season for swifts begins in May, and the breeding period can last up to 27 days

This is the only period in which swifts spend their time sedentary without continuous flight as usual.  Young birds after hatching are initially featherless, blind and completely dependent on parents who feed them huge amounts of flying insects, and after about 40 days the young are mature enough to leave the nest, They begin their lives flying like other birds of their kind. 

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 What does a swift eat:

 The swift is an insectivorous bird, eating mosquitoes, mites, aphids, and a variety of other flying insects, and when food supplies become scarce due to the weather،  This bird's sleep periods in the air can last up to 14 days without food by entering a type of “ hungry sleep ” to significantly reduce energy requirements.


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