The best types of pigeons



Types of pigeons 



 Pigeons belong to the order Pigeons, the family Pigeons, and are classified into five families and about 42 genera, and their species reach about 308 species.

 It is one of the birds widely spread throughout the world, with the exception of cold and remote places.

The number of pigeons in the world reaches more than 400 million doves, most of which live in urban areas and cities.

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The best types of pigeons
The best types of pigeons

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The importance of the bathroom : 

There is a large group of people who love pigeons and always tend to buy them and raise them in their homes.

The bathroom gives the place a beautiful atmosphere and an impression of luxury.

There is a wide range of colors and shapes, as there is a type called “ street pigeons, which are raised on the roofs of houses, and are considered one of the most popular types.

Their favorite is the large ribbed cages, which are exposed to sunlight ، Blades, palm fronds, and straw sticks are also brought to build clean nests in the cages, in addition to providing water and appropriate food, which is ground bread, barley, wheat, and corn.

There are other types of pigeons, such as race pigeons, wild pigeons, and ornamental pigeons .

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pigeons description:

 The pigeons can be described from a formal and behavioral perspective as follows: The formal characteristics of the bathroom The pigeons is characterized by a set of formal characteristics.

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 which are as follows: 

 Size The pigeons has a full body, as its weight ranges from 30

to 2000 grams, and its length ranges from 15 to 75 cm.

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 Wings : 

Pigeon wings are distinguished by their length, and about 44% of the bird’s muscles are concentrated in them, which makes it fly with high skill and gives it the ability to maneuver. 

 Feathers :

Most pigeon species have brightly colored feathers, especially in the chest, back, wings, and face, and some have pink, gray, or brown feathers.

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 Head :

Pigeon heads are small in size, have a beak, and the part below them is smooth skin.

The eyes are surrounded by a ring of skin colored blue, red, yellow, or white.

Pigeon breeds

pigeon puffed up and not moving 

 Behavioral characteristics of pigeons : 

Pigeons live within a pattern of behaviors that can be summarized as follows:

 Social life: 

Pigeons may exist individually, but they often live in groups that fly together as flocks, in which the number of pigeons may reach several thousand. Communication The pigeons communicate with each other by issuing a set of sounds and tweets, which help them find a partner, indicate the presence

of danger, or defend their place of residence.

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 Immigration :

Pigeon behaviors vary between settling in one area, or migrating from one area to another in order to search for food, or due to changes in the seasons of the year.

Some pigeons also fly large distances daily, which may reach 40 km, but at the end of the day they return to their nest.

pigeon names list

different colored pigeons 

Nest building :

Pigeons use branches and tree stems to build the nest.

The male collects the materials needed to build it, while the female builds the nest, which usually takes between 2 to 4 days. Adapting to the heat, pigeons in hot areas raise their feathers away from the edges, and they also blow them to maintain their body temperature. Pigeons are usually found in temperate and tropical regions.

They are widespread in lowland rainforests, highland forests, tropical forests, riverine forests, forests spread in the northern regions, savannas, deserts, and atolls.

 In addition to the presence of pigeons in forests where water swamps are widespread, and in agricultural areas, urban areas, and suburbs, many types of pigeons are also widespread on the South American continent, the continent of Australia, and the Pacific islands.

There are many types of pigeons on the continent of Africa and tropical Southeast Asia.

Large numbers of pigeons were transported by ship to the continent of North America during the 17th century AD, but many of them escaped captivity and began to reproduce in the region.

 Bath food :

The pigeons's eating habits vary, but in general it is able to eat anything.

It may get its food from a trash can, and this feature has helped it be more adapted to any environment in which it lives.

 Pigeons can be classified according to their type of food into two basic types as follows:

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 Plant-eating pigeons:

 Some types of pigeons depend for their food on eating tropical fruits, or swallowing a whole grain of fruit, and some of them depend on eating the grains and seeds that they find on the surface of the earth, or picking them with their beak from the stems of herbs, or searching for them by digging with their beak in the ground, and if the pigeons are unable to Finding

grains and seeds, they eat leaves, stems, and flower buds.

pied rock pigeon

white and grey pigeon 

Animal-eating pigeons :

There are a limited number of species of pigeons that feed on the meat of other animals, such as:

Insects, small vertebrates, lizards, and other invertebrates.

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Pigeon reproduction :

The mating season for pigeons extends throughout the year, and may be seasonal for some of their species.

The male mates with one female throughout his life.

During the mating period, the male performs some behaviors that attract the female to him, such as squatting, raising the tail, shaking the wings, and scratching the ground with the feet.

Some species also clap their wings, spin, and issue tweets.

 Mating may be repeated about 5 times during one year, and the female lays one or two eggs in each nest.

Both pairs incubate the eggs, a process that takes from 11 to 30 days.

After the eggs hatch, the female works to feed her young for a period ranging from 30 to 40 days.

Types of pigeons :

 King's pigeon:

The king pigeon is characterized by its white color and pink beak, and it

 often dies in the wild due to its inability to fly under conditions that are not prepared for it to continue this life .

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 Carrier pigeons: 

The carrier pigeon is distinguished by its many colors, but there are many colors of it that are white and blue.

It is known that it is a strong bird, and it can return to its nest and enter into races.

In ancient times, the Arabs used it to send messages and letters to people and kings .  

Ornamental Rihani pigeons:

Many people own an ornamental bath for breeding or as a hobby, as it was used in competitions and shows, in addition to raising it at home like any pet . 

Lateral pigeons: 

The wild pigeon lives in residential areas and buildings, and eats its food from the roads and public squares there . 

Striped-tailed pigeon: 

This species lives in wild pigeon populations.

Its original homeland is the Pacific coast and North America.

It is distinguished by the length of its gray tail, and it has a circular spot at the end of its neck and a white belt . 

Rihani Rihani : 

The Rihani pigeon is distinguished by its black and gold neck, and there are types of it in silver and yellow.

It is also characterized by the presence of a black line like a circle that separates its neck from its head.

It has a small nose and a round head, and the color of its eyes is light, wide, and it has a white eyelid, and it has short legs and nails, and its cheeks are longer.

From its tail .

 Magpie pigeon: 

It is characterized by having a flat and slender body, and its beak is long and pointed in red, and its colors vary between blue, yellow, silver and black.

In England, it is called “, the king of pigeons ”  .

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 Steam pigeon: 

The steam pigeon is distinguished by its beauty and attractiveness.

It is considered one of the types of ornamental baths.

Its name goes back to its original homeland, the city of Bukhari in Central Asia.

It is distinguished by its short neck facing down, and its large size with a long body . 

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 Turkish tipper pigeon: 

This type is distinguished by its fitness and agility, as it has the ability to fly high distances in the sky for a long period that may reach 5 hours.

It also performs some acrobatic movements in the air, and there are different types of it, such as the lemon turkish, the sacred turkish, and the red turkish pigeon.

The flap is distinguished by its beak.

Long and its eyes are black, white and yellow . 

 Pakistani pigeons: 

The Pakistani pigeon is blue or brown in color, and can fly in the sky for up to 10 hours.

It has red, orange and white eyes, and there are many types of Pakistani pigeons such as ramburi, dobaz, banca and indigo zard .  

 Indian pigeons: 

It is characterized by a strong body and a high chest, and it has a crest at the top of the head.

India is its original home.

It has a propeller-like tail and legs covered with feathers, and black and white colors . 

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King's pigeon:

It is hybridized with the rang pigeon and the Maltese pigeon, and America is its original homeland.

It is distinguished by the beauty of its feathers, the strength of its short body, and its agility.

It is a carnivorous type suitable for eating.

It is also distinguished by its thick head, black beak, and wide yellow eyes.

It does not have long feathers and legs.

Among its most famous types are Moroccan, Ukrainian, French, Romanian, Austrian, and Zajel.


With my best wishes



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