





  It is one of the largest herbivores, and belongs to the phylum Vertebrates and the family Barnacidae, of the animal kingdom.


 Hippo length:

  The hippopotamus' body generally extends from 209 cm to 505 cm. 

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Hippo Egypt

 Hippo weight:

 The weight of hippopotamuses generally ranges between 1,300 kg and 3,200 kg.

 Characteristics of a hippopotamus:

  The height of the hippopotamus' body can reach 165 cm above the ground, and the length of its tail reaches 35 cm.Its body is also described from the outside as gray, purple, and reddish-brown around the eyes،  The presence of hair is rare on its body, and the layers of its skin are very thin.

 Average lifespan of a hippopotamus:

  The average lifespan of a hippopotamus is 55 years, and in some cases it may reach 61 years.

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Gray animal


 Types of hippopotamus:

 The two species of hippopotamus share gray or brown bodies.They are hairless and have long fangs.The following is an explanation of the two species:


 It is an animal slightly larger than the dwarf hippopotamus.It lives in shallow waters and in flats such as rivers, lakes and swamps, where it floats in the water throughout the day.

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 Dwarf hippopotamus:

  It is slightly smaller than the other species, and may weigh 180-274 kilograms.It lives in swamps near forests and in the rainforests of West Africa, alone or in pairs.

hippopotamus -


 Hippo behavior:

 Below is some information about hippopotamus behavior: 

 The behavior of hippopotamuses can be likened to that of amphibians that live in large groups near water.

 The male is polygamous, and lives in single-male families, several wives, and children within a specific section of the beach.

 Female hippopotamuses give birth in water, fight in water, and males and females are similar in shape, but the only difference is that males weigh only approximately 10% more.

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 Hippo feeding:

 Hippo food

 Below are some points about hippopotamus food: 

 The hippopotamus eats approximately 65-100 pounds of grass at night, its belly is equipped with multiple chambers like cows, and the front chambers are concerned with the fermentation process of food.

 These animals open their mouths at an angle of 150 degrees, which makes it easier for them to digest food.

 The hippopotamus relies on its lips to pick tree leaves and cut them with its molars.   

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 The hippopotamus is one of the most dangerous mammals in Africa.Its danger increases when it loses its young.Its bite force is greater than that of a lion.The hippopotamus can also kill a lion within two minutes؛  Which makes lions stay away from it, but in some cases a group of lions may be able to prey on hippopotamuses far from the group and alone.

 The hippopotamus can eliminate the crocodile in one bite, which is what makes crocodiles move away from it, and in rare cases crocodiles can attack small calves that move away from their mothers.

 Elephants can be the only animals competing with hippopotamuses, generally using their large bodies to defend themselves. 

 Hippo Health:

 Below is a group of common diseases that may affect hippopotamuses, and hippopotamus diseases can be divided into two types. 

 Non-communicable diseases:

 Dental diseases, including canine fractures, mouth pain and sores.

 Skin infections, which may result from low humidity or cold water.

 Dermatitis and cracks under the feet.

 Polycystic kidney disease.

 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

 Neuromuscular disorders.


 Infectious diseases:

 Bacterial diseases that cause intestinal and muscle poisoning or blood poisoning.

 Diseases resulting from viruses, including myocarditis that leads to death due to a breakdown in the heart and blood vessels.

 Parasitic diseases. 

Harmful effects and benefits of hippopotamuses on the 

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environment and humans:

 Its benefits:

 Most mammals are of great importance in their natural environments, and the importance of the hippopotamus is highlighted by the fact that its body is home to many parasites (from the inside and outside), where it finds the necessary food،  It is also of great value to fishermen because of the large amount of meat it provides as one of the food sources in the region, and its ivory tusks are expensive. 

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 Its harms:

 These animals are not afraid of humans, but face hunters fiercely to defend themselves, and can destroy both simple and sophisticated fishing boats.  

 Other information about hippopotamus:

 Hippo reproduction:

 Below is some information about hippopotamus reproduction: 

 The hippopotamus breeds year-round in an erotica cycle lasting up to 35 days.

 Mating can occur in water, or on land.

 Pregnancy in female hippopotamuses lasts between 6 and 7 and a half months, is with one calf, and twins are rarely found.

 Calves are born weighing only 5 kg.

 Calves are ready to mate at the age of 2.5 to 3 years. 

 Hippo sleep:

 The hippopotamus usually sleeps in the water during the day for up to 16 hours, chooses shallow places, and sleeps with only half of its brain because if it sleeps deeply it will fall into the water، [12] Also, in deep water, he keeps his ears out of the water, keeps his nostrils closed so that water does not enter, and also takes his head out after several minutes to breathe،  The hippopotamus usually wakes up all night to search for food, and begins to do so after sunset due to the sensitivity of its skin.

 Hippo adaptation methods:

 Speaking about the methods of adaptation of the hippopotamus to its surrounding environment, it can be said that the bodies of these organisms are equipped in an accurate way to live and reproduce, and the following are some of these points:

 These animals spend most of their time in water, and their bodies adapt to this, as the eyes, ears, and nose are located at the top of the head.The nostrils are also closed when they dive under water, and the eyes are covered with a transparent membrane that protects them،  These parts are sensitive and help smell odors and hear sounds even while in water.

 These animals sweat in a strange way, as their bodies do not contain sweat glands, but the pores of their skin secrete blood-like substances that protect them from sunburn, maintain their body moisture, and are antiseptic for sores and wounds.

 Hippopotamus feet have four toes that help distribute their body weight, and maintain their balance as they walk on land.

 The teeth of these animals grow throughout their lives to be used for fighting rather than eating, and also maintain their sharpness.

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