Information about dolphins




 Dolphin belongs to the family of aquatic mammals, or what are known as oceanic dolphins, as they are divided into 40 different species.The size of dolphins ranges between 1.7 meters, which is equivalent to 5.6 feet،  It weighs 50 kilograms, which is equivalent to 110 pounds, like the Maui dolphin, to a length of 9.5 meters, which is equivalent to 31 feet, and a weight of up to 10 tons, like a killer whale،  Females are smaller than males.Dolphins also have spindle-like bodies and sharp, needle-like teeth.Dolphins are also characterized by intelligence, shyness, fun, and friendliness towards humans،  And its ability to communicate using a group of sounds and ultrasonic pulses, and the following will talk about the dolphin in some detail.

Information about dolphins
Information about dolphins

 Dolphin species

 Although dolphins live in water and resemble fish, they are actually mammals that give birth and breastfeed their children, and breathe air just like us because they have lungs, not gills like fish.

 Therefore, dolphins rise to the surface from time to time to breathe air through an opening above their body that delivers air directly to their lungs،  Dolphins can dive underwater for between 15 and 30 minutes before needing to get air again.

 Dolphin is not limited to one species.Rather, there are more than 40 species of dolphins, some of which live in fresh water (river water), and most of them are distinguished by their graceful body and jaw, which resembles a bird’s beak،  It feeds on fish and squid. 

 Formal characteristics of the dolphin:

  The majority of dolphin species are two to three meters long, and the largest dolphin may reach four meters in length.

  The dolphin's body is distinguished by having fins on the limbs in addition to a triangular fin on the back.Its skin is also characterized by being elastic, soft, and colored with a mixture of black, white, and grey،  In addition to the presence of an insulating layer of fat underneath.

  Below is a breakdown of the formal characteristics of dolphin:

  Size :

 The average length of a dolphin is usually between 2-3.9 m, and it weighs on average between 150-200 kg, but its size varies depending on where it lives.The length of adult wild dolphins reaches 2.7 m،  While those that live in marine life ponds and industrial ponds, their length does not exceed approximately 2.6 m.

  Their size also varies depending on their species.For example, the weight of a wild dolphin that lives in the western North Atlantic Ocean reaches 284 kg, and large dolphins that live in the Pacific Ocean can weigh up to 454 kg،  While the weight of dolphins in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean reaches 650 kg, which is the maximum weight of wild dolphins.

? Information about dolphins and how dolphins adapt to their environment

  Skin :

 Dolphin skin is smooth and elastic, and does not contain hair follicles or sweat glands, so it does not sweat.Likewise, the outer skin of a dolphin is about 15-20 times thicker than human skin،  It regenerates approximately every two hours; That is, dead cells change into new ones, and its cell peeling rate is 9 times faster than the peeling rate in humans.

 Dolphin back:

  The dolphin's back is characterized by its gray color, while its abdomen and lower jaw appear white.This distinctive color acts as a camouflage known as opposite shading, mixing from above with dark depths،  From below, it blends with the bright surface of the sea, which provides it with protection from predators and makes it easier for it to obtain its food.

  Pectoral fins :

 Dolphin pectoral fins are similar to, but with some modifications, the main structural elements of the forelimbs of land-dwelling mammals, as these fins have a strong structure supported by connective muscle tissue،  They are slightly curved back, have an average length of between 30-50 cm, and use their fins to direct movement or stop.

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  Dorsal fin :

 The dorsal fin is located in the middle of the dolphin's back.It is curved backwards and consists of dense fibrous connective tissue.It does not have bones, cartilage, or even muscles،  But there are arteries surrounded by blood veins to maintain the dolphin's body temperature.  Although it can be considered important for maintaining balance when swimming, some dolphins do not have it.

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  Head :

 The dolphin's forehead contains a circular area consisting of fatty tissue, which is the part responsible for determining the location of the echo, and thus determining the location of objects under the surface of the water while swimming،  Also located in front of the circular area is an appendage about 7-8 cm long.

 His teeth:

  The dolphin is distinguished by its conical and interlocking teeth, which total between 72-104.Distributed in the upper and lower jaws, they are permanent teeth that cannot be replaced.Their function is to hold food, not chew it،  The dolphin swallows its food directly without chewing.

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 His eyes:

  His eyes are located on the sides of his head, near the corners of his mouth.Each eye can move separately from the other, and directly behind them are the ears in the form of small openings without an exoskeleton،  As for breathing, the dolphin uses a special opening located on the dorsal surface of the head, covered with a muscle covering. 

 Behavioral characteristics of a dolphin A dolphin is often an active organism, but this also depends on the time, season, and physiological conditions of it،

  Below is a breakdown of the behavioral characteristics of dolphins:
 Sleep behavior :

 A dolphin in the wild needs to remain alert during sleep in order to reach the surface to breathe, so half of its brain is alert while the other half rests،  Therefore, he sleeps only 4-60 minutes in short and sporadic periods during the day.  But for dolphins that live in special ponds, they sleep somewhat deeper, keeping their holes close to the surface to breathe, without worrying about the presence of predators.

 Migration behavior :

 During its migration, the dolphin moves alone or in groups from one region to another, and usually moves in a straight direction above the surface of the water during migration to provide the energy resulting from the friction of water with its submerged body،  Or to better determine its destination, or to get rid of parasites in its skin, dolphins usually gather to rest and breathe during migration.


 Information about rabbit

  Feeding behaviour:

  Dolphins feed alone or in groups to cooperate in capturing large prey, which helps them conserve their energy more and obtain suitable food at the same time،  One of their strange and rare practices is throwing food from their mouths with a cough-like behavior.

  Dolphins' food varies depending on the geographical location in which they live, as they eat fish and crustaceans such as shrimp and squid.They are classified as predators, and they prefer some types of fish over others.For example،  Marine dolphins eat fish and squid, while coastal dolphins prefer to eat fish and benthic invertebrates.

Dolphin Emulator

  Mating behavior :

 Dolphins are characterized as sexual and non-monosexual animals.One dolphin may meet several partners during its life, and dolphins may become violent with other dolphins during the mating period to obtain a partner،  In addition to trying to perform different rituals and fight with each other.

  Male dolphins can also crowd in front of females to prevent them from being fertilized by others in some cases, in addition to luring female male dolphins by bringing gifts and singing،  Displaying fitness through acrobatic and erotic water movements.  This often occurs in less competitive groups, and dolphins are characterized by the fact that they can mate at all times of the year, unlike other animals that mate only during

the specific mating season.

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  Social behavior :

 Dolphins are distinguished by their ability to communicate in the form of an underwater sonar that consists of whistling.Some of them may emit ultrasonic frequencies and humans cannot hear them؛  This makes the social behavior of dolphins among the most complex and advanced behaviors of the animal kingdom.


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