Information about budgie birds



Budgie birds 


Little parrots : 

Small parrots, or as some call them pet parrots or Old World parrots, are a wide group of parrots that include one hundred and fifteen species of birds, and are located within thirty genera.

Small parrots are characterized by their dependence on seeds for their nutrition, and small parrots live in areas with Hot climates such as India, Sri Lanka, Australia, the Pacific Islands, tropical America and all over Southeast Asia, and usually live in groups, They may also form an agricultural pest when they gather together in a grain field, and the most common type of small parrots are budgie birds. 

It is worth clarifying that budgie birds are different from lovebirds, as each of them is a different type from the other.

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Budgie birds : 

The budgie birds are the most common and widespread species around the world.

They are small birds with blue, green and yellow feathers.

They are native to Australia.

They live in groups ranging from ten to a hundred birds.

They are raised by many people as a type of ornamental bird, and in their primary habitat.

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Information about budgie birds
Information about budgie birds

Badji birds prefer to live near surface waters even though they are able to withstand drought for a certain period،But it is important to pay attention to avoiding placing it with other bird species in the same cage, as it is able to attack other species and cause damage to them.

The budgie bird is considered one of the smart and social birds.

It often loves playing with humans and trying to imitate their voices or imitate the sounds of music that the household listens to.

Male budgie can also memorize a good number of words, unlike females, as it is considered rare for a female to memorize the budgie.

More than ten words, and its average lifespan reaches eight years, Some have also stated that budgie survives for fifteen years with care and attention.

In terms of nutrition, budgie can eat all fruits, vegetables and seeds, with the exception of beans and cowpeas, but it is important to be careful about boiling hard vegetables such as potatoes and onions before serving them.

Knowing the sex of budgie birds:

 The owner of the budgie may want to know the sex of his bird, and the sex of the budgie birds can be inferred in several ways, as it is possible that the color of the fat tissue above the budgie’s beak indicates his sex, as the royal or purple blue color indicates that the budgie is male and needs to mate, and the intensity decreases.

The color is somewhat sharp when it does not need to, and as for the female budgie, this thick fabric has a color that tends to be brown when it needs to mate، It becomes pale close to white when it does not need to.

In addition to the characteristic of color, the male budgie is considered louder and more songful than the female budgie.

The male is also characterized by being noticeably more mobile and more aggressive, as he continues to peck the cage and the pieces near him, and the female budgie does not behave like this.

These behaviors, and the most reliable way to know the sex of the bird is to go to the veterinarian or expert seller,

They usually have special devices that help them detect the sex of the bird

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 Budgie bird shape :

 Budgies are native to Australia, so they are called Australian sparrows.They are a small parrot characterized by green and yellow colors on the chest and back, and there are strips of black color on their backs as well.  Males have a blue color around their beaks while females have a pink or purple color in that area.

 The budgie is considered one of the smallest species of parrots, and weighs only between 28 and 42.5 grams.It is often only 18 centimeters long and has a total wingspan of 30 centimetres.  There are more than 1,000 possible color combinations for budgies of green, yellow, blue and many shades in between, with yellow and green being the most common colors.

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  Where do budgie birds live:

  The budgie has its origins in Australia and migrates north and south.

 The budgie also inhabits North America, South America, Europe, and Africa due to its status as one of the most common domestic birds.

  There are said to be up to five million such small birds in the world

 today.  Budgie bird's nest :

 In nature, budgerigars prefer to live in tree holes or other crevices large and flat enough to lay their eggs, either as pets؛  These birds will be happy with a flat box or floor filled with a soft material such as sawdust or well-cut pieces of paper. 

Do budgies need to be in pairs?

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 Behavior of budgie birds:

  Budgie finches are social birds that prefer to live in pairs in the wild, and live in small colonies of a few hundred when they do not migrate.  A

 Badji whistles are good pets, they are very attached to their owners and are able to recognize their owners even if they change their hairstyle or clothes.  Budgie sparrows can pick up large vocabulary and some can speak hundreds of words.

What should you not do with a budgie?

  What does a budgie bird eat:

  Budgie finches depend on grass seeds for most of their nutrition, and they can also eat fruits and plants.

 Berries are a popular snack for badji, but too much fruit may make this bird sick.

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 Mating and breeding of budgie birds:

  Female parrots reach sexual maturity at about eight months of age.

  Females typically lay between four and six eggs at a time, and incubating the eggs may take up to 20 days before hatching.

  Budgie babies are born blind and featherless, and their mothers bear the responsibility of keeping them warm constantly during the first ten days until their eyes open, and they will then begin to grow and have feathers،  But it will take another four or five weeks before these young can leave the nest.

 Young budgies begin learning to fly between six and eight weeks, and begin trying to leave the nest.  The life span of the Badji is 3-6 years. 

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how to care for a budgie

budgie toys


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  Raising budgie birds :

 Badge birds are wonderful pets, respond well to the gentle treatment of their owners, and are distinguished by their not being as loud as many other types of parrots،  He can learn dozens or more words in different languages depending on the amount of training he receives.

 The parrot needs a great commitment, as is the case with any pet.It must be taken care of, healthy, and provide safe housing and proper nutrition.

 These birds are small in size, so if there are other pets in the house such as cats or dogs that may consider the parrot prey, be careful not to take the birds out of their cages،  You should make sure that the parrot's cages are tightly closed and not within reach of other pets.

 Budgie birds are not suitable for very young children, who may scare these birds with their quick movements and harsh handling, but they are great for older children and adults.  Budgie toenails should be trimmed every two months to keep them short and blunt.

budgie bird price

  Budgie bird cage:

  Make sure to buy a cage large enough for your budgie to fly or jump unhindered،  But the distances between the bars must be very small because the bird's head can be attached between the bars if the distances are large.

  Place a heat lamp on one side of the cage (outside the cage) if your home is cold, especially in winter.

It is also recommended to expose birds to natural sunlight in the cage to protect them whenever possible to maintain their health.  It is preferable to provide the cage with appropriate and safe bird toys. 

green budgie bird

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 Pet budgie food:

 Provide the budgie birds with food intended for the birds that is balanced and contains the nutrients that the bird needs with fresh vegetables, fruits, and a few seeds.

budgie care guide pdf

budgie cage   


With my best wishes



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