Why is the rook called a rook?



What is a rook 

 Rock bird:

 The rook is a legendary bird of enormous size.

Some accounts mention that it is capable of carrying a rhinoceros, and it was mentioned in the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor in the book One Thousand and One Nights

 It was mentioned in Ibn Battuta’s journey when he spoke about his journey out of China to India.

rock bird

Why is the rook called a rook?
?Why is the rook called a rook

This bird is also known as Rukh or Rukh, and the origin of its mention goes back to the traveler Marco Polo،  Which he referred to in his description of Madagascar and other islands off the coast of East Africa, and it was also mentioned in Arabic tales, where it was described as a large bird that was able to carry elephants and other large animals to feed on.

What is a rook in real life?

 Rook symbol in a dream:

 A rook from a bird indicates in a dream Arabic news and distant travels, and perhaps seeing it indicates nonsense in correct and sick words. 

Why is a rook like a castle?

What is the definition of a rook?

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 Rook legend :

 The rook was known in the past as a predatory bird, as it could carry a child, an adult, or even an entire elephant.It was considered a source of inspiration for many folk tales, which later turned into legends،  These legends were transmitted to Western Europe, and one of the legends built on the basis of the rook is the legend of the elephant bird from Madagascar.

The Rook

Chess pieces 


 The Moroccan phoenix, or Moroccan phoenix, is a fictional bird mentioned in ancient Arab mythology.  This bird is distinguished by its beauty and strength.

 This name is given to the city of Nasiriyah. 

Chess rook

Knight Chess

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 Rook in chess:

 Rook (sometimes known as a castle)

 There are two types of rook for each player on the chessboard, located on the corners.

These chess pieces move up and down the chessboard ،  They can move any number of spaces as long as they are not obstructed by another chess piece.

If the obstructing chess piece belongs to their opponent, they are free to capture it. 

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 Pawn bird:

 The Levantine sparrowhawk, pawn, or Levantine sparrowhawk is a small type of raptor belonging to the sparrow family, which also includes other types of diurnal raptors such as eagles, hawks, and harriers.  These birds spawn in the forests extending from Greece and the rest of the Balkans, east to southern Russia.  It is an migratory species that winters in Egypt, the Levant, and Iraq, all the way to southwestern Iran.

It crosses in huge flocks, unlike its more common relative, the Eurasian sparrowhawk.

 The couple nests in trees and builds a new nest lined with green tree leaves every year. 

The brood size ranges between 3 and 5 eggs.  These sparrowhawks prey on small birds, insects, and lizards inhabiting forests, relying on the element of surprise.

They jump from one perch to another, then pounce on their prey and take it by surprise.

 These birds are among the smallest raptors.

They are characterized by short, broad wings and an elongated tail.

They are an adaptive feature that enables them to maneuver between trees.

rock bird

  Pawns resemble Eurasian sparrowhawks in appearance, but can be distinguished from them by their shorter tail and tapering tips of their wings, which give them a falcon-like appearance.

 The length of the pawn ranges between 30 and 37 cm, and its wingspan ranges between 63 and 76 cm.  The female is larger than the male, but the difference is not as noticeable as the difference between the sexes in the Eurasian sparrowhawk.  The back is gray in the male, while it is brown in the female, and the abdomen is white in both.  It has a short, horny black beak and yellow feet.

 Juvenile chicks are brown on the upper body and trimmed with dark bands on the chest.  The typical flight of these birds consists of two flaps followed by a slide with the wind.

Queen in chess

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 Eagle bird:

 The plural of osprey is osprey, a genus of birds that belongs to the order of raptors and the goshawk family.

It has more than sixty-one species, most of which live in Eurasia and Africa،  Outside this region, there are two species that live in the United States and Canada: the bald eagle and the golden eagle, nine species in Central and South America, and three species in Australia, and there are several species of eagles found in the Philippines.

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 Elephant bird:

  The elephant bird is known for being a legendary story built on the basis of the rook.

This bird belongs to the genus Aepyornis.

It is distinguished by its size of 3,048 meters and its weight is about 455 kg،  This bird has been extinct since the seventeenth century in 1649 AD, and is currently known through bone samples and a small number of well-preserved eggs since ancient times.

The appearance of this bird is characterized by the fact that it resembles an ostrich،  Its eggs are also distinguished by being one of the largest cells in the animal kingdom as a whole, estimated at 33 cm, and containing a liquid estimated at 2 gallons, or approximately 7.5 liters،  The eggs of this bird were also exported to all parts of the world to discover and identify it.Some believe that this bird cannot fly, and its food depended on fruit, not people and elephants.


With my best wishes



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