Bulbul bird



What you don't know about the bulbul

Bulbul bird

Bulbul bird: 

Distinguished by his sweet and calm voice, many people love waking up to his wonderful voice, as it makes you welcome to get up and enjoy your day with a cup of your favorite drink.

There are many facts about the bulbul, which is considered one of the most famous and popular bird species among some, especially bird lovers, who are looking for different species to raise at home.

What does bulbul bird called in English?

In this article, we will tell you some facts that you may not have known before about the bulbul bird, in addition to its species and the difference between the female bulbul bird and the male, so that you are able to distinguish between them when purchasing them.

You can see all this information through the following lines.

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Bulbul bird
Bulbul bird

Eurasian jay 

Who is the bulbul:

The bulbul bird is considered one of the most common birds, which some people choose to raise in homes, because of its beauty and abundance of species.

They are approximately 140 species, belonging to the bulbul family, and it is also found in abundance in the continents of Asia and Africa.

Its size is about 14-28 cm, and it is also one of the active birds that is distinguished by its sound, which is good for some.

Despite the large number of their species, their color is uniform.

We will tell you more details in the following lines.

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Types of bulbul bird:

There are many types of bulbul birds, the most famous of which are the African bulbul, the yellow bulbul, and the three-colored bulbul, which is gray to brown in color, 18 cm long, in addition to the red bulbul, which is found in India and southern China, in addition to many other types of bulbul bird consisting of Of 47 types.

Egyptian bulbul bird :

The Egyptian bulbul is a song bulbul, found frequently next to agricultural lands and bodies of water, especially in the Delta region, the Nile Valley, and neighboring lands, where it finds the grains it needs to eat and fresh water to drink. Egyptian bulbul birds are highly valued in Egyptian culture, and people even give their name to people who have beautiful voices, because they like to listen to the sound of the bulbul chirping that is abundant during the mating season, as males use it as a means to attract females.

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Description of the bulbul: 

The bulbul bird is ordinary, slender, and short-necked.

It has short, circular wings.

The shape of the seat is the same in all its types, which is elongated and slightly curved at the end.

The similarity between the female and the male is almost the same.

It is also characterized by the color of its feathers being olive-brown in color.

Sometimes it is black, and its cheeks are colored yellow and red, sometimes it is orange. 

Where does the bulbul live:

The bulbul bird lives in the continents of Asia and Africa, and there are many different species that are found in India and southern China, so it is one of the birds that is easy for you to find in many regions.

The sound of a bulbul:

The bulbul is distinguished by its sweet and attractive voice, which once you listen to it you will feel happy and comfortable, which is why some welcome to buy and raise it at home, to

wake up to its calm, lively and active voice.

What did bulbul eat?

What does a bulbul eat:

 The bulbul's diet includes a wide variety of different foods, from fruit to seeds, flower nectar, small insects, and even small vertebrate animals. But the majority of bulbul species depend on eating fruits and supplement their diet with some insects.

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Bulbul mating:

 In most species, bulbul is usually monogamous, meaning it takes one pair throughout its life, as it has a strong relationship with its partner. In each mating, the female lays up to five purple eggs. While the incubation period for eggs ranges between 11 and 14 days, and the young need two weeks to be weaned.


bulbul call

bulbul bird south

Bulbul bird price :

The price of the bulbul varies from one country to another depending on its type, but the price of the African bulbul in Egypt ranges between 100 to 300 Egyptian pounds, while the price of the Asian bulbul in Iraq ranges between 15,000 to 20,000 Iraqi dinars.

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The most prominent facts about the bulbul: 

There are some interesting facts about the bulbul, as it is a bird that feeds on fruits, seeds, small insects, nectar, arthropods, and small vertebrates.

It also prefers to live with a partner, whether male or female.

They are birds that do not prefer loneliness and remaining unmarried.

Among the characteristics of the bulbul bird is that it is loyal to the partner and does not welcome the idea of enumerating the marriage, but there is only one species among them that prefers the idea of enumerating.

Usually, this type of bulbul bird, its color is purple, lays about 4 eggs in the nest, and the wife or mother sits on the eggs.

Between 11-14 days, then her young begin to gain feathers 12-16 days after their birth.

The bulbul bird prefers to eat insects after their young emerge from the eggs, to obtain a high amount of proteins, which makes them derive their strength again after laying their young.

It also prefers to put well-cooked rice with boiled eggs.

tiptol bird

Red-vented Bulbul

bulbul bird

There are some differences between the female bulbul and the male.

You can tell this difference from the voice.

The male voice is much stronger than the female, and the female bulbul stands in a different way than the male, so you can easily differentiate between them.

The size of the male bulbul is larger than the female, and the tail is longer, but the female is shorter and has a more attractive appearance than the male.

One of the most common features of the bulbul is that its body is completely covered with bright, attractive and bright colors, and its neck is short and its wings are also short.

This enables it to be able to fly for long periods, and the dense feathers on its body help it achieve this.

The bulbul bird is also considered one of the smartest types of birds.

You can raise it at home without having to follow many of the rules related 

to it.

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It is able to understand a person and also feels what its owner feels.

This is what makes it close to humans and does not run away from them for fear of harm.

An active bird that tends to play and have fun throughout the day, it moves very actively without feeling tired, or constantly wanting to sleep inside its nest, as it stays out to enjoy the air and sun.


bottergat bird

dark-capped bulbul

The bulbul lives until the age of 15.If it is healthy, it eats the appropriate food for it without causing it some health problems, in addition to taking care of its psychological state by finding a partner to be with it.

The bulbul can be a good friend to children, as it is not violent at all, and does not try to escape far from home.

Of course, it prefers to fly and not be inside a cage, but it also concerns its owner and prefers to stay with him.

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Do not try to harass him, especially while cleaning the cage or putting in food and drink, bulbul pies when he does not feel comfortable inside the cage, or that there is some kind of threat to his life and the life of his partner.

He will think about escaping immediately, or feeling depressed that may lead to his death.

Bulbul birds are a common bird in the continents of Asia and Africa.

This is why you can actually recognize their shape and buy them.

You can share with us through comments about your 

favorite bird species.

With my best wishes


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