How do you raise chickens for beginners?



Basic needs of raising chickens at home

 Among the basic requirements needed to raise chickens at home are the following:

chickens at home

How do you raise chickens for beginners?
How do you raise chickens for beginners

  Providing adequate housing for chickens :

 The floor must be cement, and the dwelling must contain hay, straw, and sawdust on its floor.It is very important to constantly clean and provide proper ventilation to prevent moisture.  Also, a sufficient number of feeders must be prepared, in which food and drink are placed, and the dwelling must be very protected due to the large number of predatory creatures that can seek to reach and devour chickens, such as dogs،  Stray cats, and sometimes even birds of prey, in addition to the large number of insects that will try to reach chickens, 

such as:

 Cockroaches and flies, which cause diseases and epidemics to be transmitted to it.

  Providing heating for chickens in winter:

  It is very important in the winter season to provide appropriate heating inside the chicken’s dwelling, in order to avoid respiratory diseases or sometimes death, especially from small birds due to their high sensitivity to the surrounding environment.

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 Providing appropriate lighting for chickens :

 If possible, it is important to provide a thermoelectric lamp (which provides light and warmth at the same time) and operate it continuously - throughout the day - for young chicks aged from one week to 20 weeks،  This is extremely important to encourage young people to grow and become energetic.A lamp like this can be purchased from agricultural stores.  If the number of chickens is small, it is possible to suffice with a regular lamp with a capacity of 75 to 100 watts to perform the function.If the chicks are very shaped around each other, this may mean that they feel cold،  They try to get warmth from their body heat, so it will be necessary to bring the lamp closer to them or strengthen it. 

Basics of raising chickens

Raise chickens معنى

raising egg laying chickens

  Providing good nutrition for chickens:

  Chickens must be given appropriate food.There are special feed that can be purchased from the market, and it is necessary to check the water daily to ensure that they do not lack fluids.  Chickens need a lot of food to produce their eggs and young, so one of the best ways to feed them is to give them food processing waste or leftovers in the kitchen, such as other vegetables and fruits،  However, good attention must be paid to the leftovers given to it, as it should not be given any food containing meat or any leftovers for all meat products.  Cooked rice, pasta, potatoes, corn, bread, or legumes can also be served; Such as: raw lentils, or raw rice, in addition to barley.

  The feeder must also be cleaned after each meal, so as not to leave the opportunity for the occurrence of ataxia that results in the growth of disease-causing microbes and fungi.

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What do you need for chickens at home?

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 Vaccinating chickens to prevent diseases:

  One of the most important things in raising these birds is vaccinating them with the vaccines necessary for their continued growth without being exposed to common diseases among poultry, especially in the early period of their lives.  Chicken diseases may sometimes be difficult to identify due to the lack of ease of diagnosing symptoms for people starting out in this field, and therefore there may be a need to ask and consult experts in the field.

 Keeping chickens clean and protecting them from diseases:

  Regarding the prevention methods that can be followed to avoid the occurrence and transmission of diseases to domestic backyard chicken breeds


  It is represented in the following:

  Continuously cleaning chicken housing and utensils, keeping the floor and nests dry.The "habit of predation" can also be controlled by avoiding crowding between chickens،  This is done by providing the appropriate large area determined by the number of birds present.

 Do not raise more than one type of poultry in the same dwelling, but rather it is necessary to separate them.

 You should consult your veterinarian if you see or spot any symptom indicating that she is sick.  Getting rid of chicken waste in places far from homes, and spraying waste as a precaution if possible, in order to avoid the spread of diseases.

  The top of chicken beaks should be cut on the seventh to tenth day, to prevent the habit of predation (i.e.chickens breaking eggs with their beaks), and to avoid wasting feed.  Sorting between poultry in terms of medicines and chickens.

backyard chicken coop

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  Benefits of raising chickens at home :

 Raising chickens is beneficial in many ways.

  The most important of which are the following:

 Helping to control harmful pests such as flies, mosquitoes, insects, and bugs, chickens devour them in the home garden, and therefore they feed well, and the plants will grow as they are supposed to.  The breeder provides fresh eggs from a health standpoint, as they are better for your health than buying them from stores, as they have vitamin A, vitamin E, omega-3, and beta-carotene, to a greater extent and less saturated fats.  The best fertilizer a home garden needs Chicken waste is one of the best things that can be used as fertilizer for plants grown in a home garden.  Friendly house birds Most local chicken breeds form a true bond with their owners, and have many benefits other than obtaining eggs every morning.Raising chickens is beneficial to ensure the health of the home garden،  And having wonderful pets that children love  The best way to ensure the health of chickens is to ensure that the appropriate barn is provided, and to take care of nesting boxes, ventilation, etc.

 It gives everyone a good time It's not just fresh eggs, which you'll be able to take every morning, it adds fun to everyone, and it's also great for family gardens and pets.  The harms of raising chickens at home There are some harms that you should pay attention to before making the decision to raise chickens at home.

raising chickens for beginners

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 Among them are the following:

  Chickens require a large area.

It requires external space for the birds if the breeder decides to obtain a large number of them, and their chicken coop must be large enough،  So it has at least 3 square feet (91).  meters) per chicken.

  Homeowners may relate to it.

Chickens are more than just house birds for some people.They are more like pets, like a dog or a cat, but they are more vulnerable to accidents and diseases, because they live abroad،  It may be attacked by predators.

  Chickens can live longer than other pets Chickens can live up to 12 years, which is good for lovers of these birds, but it is important to take into account their lifespan،  And think about the future from the beginning.

 Chicken may be expensive.The price of a chicken is about $5 each, and the chicken will cost at least a few hundred dollars, and can reach thousands of dollars،  He will also need daily provision of feed, nutrients, nesting boxes, and health care.

 A lot of noise happens while chickens are not quite loud, they can certainly make loud noises, and they are very loud, if the number of chickens is large.

  Chickens require time each day.Caring for chickens does not require time consumption, but certainly requires time and energy each day, and the breeder will need to provide feed, water, every morning،  Allow them to get out of cages, run and move for a while, collect eggs, care and clean every evening.

 It can destroy plants If the breeder has herbs and plants in the home's manicured garden, he certainly does not want to leave the chickens free amidst it all, because it can destroy them.

chickens at home 

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With my best wishes



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