What is needed for raising rabbits?



Raising rabbits at home

 Rabbit breeding:

 :Breed selection for rabbits

  Many diverse breeds, which arose from the movement of rabbits from one region to another with a different way of life and life than the one in which they were found،  It began to mate with different breeds, which led to the existence of new breeds, which is called mutual mating،  Rabbit breeders have also created new breeds by changing rabbit genes to create breeds characterized by specific characteristics they desire.

What is needed for raising rabbits?
What is needed for raising rabbits

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There are many other breeds, such as the silver
rabbit breed (in French: Argenté rabbit)،  The English spotted rabbit breed and the Flemish giant rabbit breed, which are distinguished by their colorful fur,
so their price is usually higher than some other breeds, in addition to other
hybrid breeds that arose from the mating of some breeds،  Among them is what is known as the
Altex breed, which was produced as a hybrid breed of many different breeds,
such as the giant Flemish rabbit, silver rabbit, and Californian, as it is
distinguished by its ability to withstand high temperatures،  In addition to its great ability to
rapidly increase in growth and size, the weight of rabbits of this breed ranges
from 4.5 to 9 kilograms،  This
breed was produced through joint efforts between the Universities of Alabama
and Texas with the aim of using it as a type of commercial rabbit.

Are rabbits easy to raise?

  Preparing the residence outside the home:

  A suitable home and environment must be provided for rabbits.This affects the productivity of these animals, and there are many things that should be taken into account and available in the rabbit residence،  It must be exposed to natural ventilation, taking into account that rabbits are not exposed to strong winds or direct rain during the winter and direct sunlight, especially during the summer, in order to protect them from sunstroke،  The dwelling can be provided with plywood or plastic panels and surrounded with some old blankets or polyethylene sheets to protect it from wind and rain،  If rabbits are in a dwelling that does not contain heating, they must be secured in a closed place where they can be kept warm.

 It is preferable to place rabbits in safe housing from any predator, and they should not be exposed to various pollutants such as smoke and dust, in addition to their proximity to water and electricity supplies.

What are the disadvantages of rabbit farming?

How many rabbits do you need to start a rabbitry? 

 Cage system:

  This type depends on placing rabbits inside cages distributed through rows located inside a barn or pergola, so that these cages are raised on shelves made of wood or cement،  Galvanized iron, known as CGI, can be used to make the roof of a barn, and the type of these barns may vary, including semi-permanent ones that are built with columns of wood, straw, bamboo, and other materials،  Some of them are permanent, as they contain half a brick and iron wall and a cement floor, and regardless of the nature of the barn used, it must contain a good drainage system to facilitate cleaning the cages،  The cages are placed in separate rows so that there is enough space between them for people to pass through, or even placed in layers on top of each other to save space inside the barn.Rabbit cages also vary in size،  However, it is recommended to make them using wire mesh in measurements of 60*91 cm and a height of 38 cm, while the dimensions of the mesh openings range between 7.6 and 10 cm،  It is worth noting that the use of wood to make these cages should be avoided because wood is a difficult material to clean, as it absorbs water and urine, in addition to being chewable by rabbits. 

raising rabbits for beginners

how to rear rabbits at home

raising rabbits book

Cottage system

 Iron, wood, or bamboo huts can be built as housing for rabbits, taking into account that they are not exposed to direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures،  The hut must be divided into multiple rooms, each of which must be 8.9*7.6*8.9 cm in size.Wooden boards or bamboo boards can also be used to separate them،  Galvanized iron (CGI) or straw is one of the materials that is best used for the roof of the hut, and the floors should be a network of metal wires to facilitate the drainage of waste.

  Floor system:

 Allocating an area of land in the courtyard of the house to be a residence for rabbits, so that each rabbit is allocated a special space, for which a residence must be secured, such as a box made of solid wood،  It must be spacious and have enough space for the rabbit to move freely, as this space must be sufficient for one rabbit to jump through it for a minimum of three full jumps in any direction،  In addition to being able to extend his back legs comfortably, in addition to a space in front of the cage in which the rabbit can run and jump،  It should be noted that if the rabbit is alone, a rabbit of the opposite sex must be brought to be placed with the first one in the cage, as he will need company،  On the other hand, the presence of a rabbit outside the home protects it from pets in the home, such as cats and dogs.

  Inside the house, the rabbit can be kept as a pet and allowed to move, run, and jump around the house.The specifications of the cage required inside the house do not differ from those required to be placed outside it،  However, it is possible to place a small box for the rabbit if it is always free to move around the house and sit wherever it wants.It is preferable to provide a special box for rabbit droppings as well as those used by cats،  Rabbits have an innate instinct that makes them prefer to defecate and urinate in a specific place.The litter box can be prepared by placing a layer of dirt designated for rabbit droppings, in addition to some old newspaper،  Be careful not to use unsafe materials for rabbits, such as dirt intended for cats, and it is recommended to place a layer of straw on top of it to encourage the rabbit to go to this box،  It is worth noting that raising a rabbit inside the home helps strengthen the relationship between it and its owner, which may compensate him for the need for another rabbit as his companion،  You should also consult your veterinarian if you want to prevent your rabbit from multiplying due to the large number of young.

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 The presence of the rabbit inside the house:

  The house and its annexes may cause many damages, through many things, such as biting electrical wires that may expose it to shock or burning, or eating houseplants as food،  Chewing furniture, plastic panels, and wallpaper, for this reason the house must be well equipped to avoid the occurrence of such dangers and problems through many procedures

  Including the following:

 Wrapping electrical wires using special spiral cables that rabbits cannot chew.These cables are flexible to control the wires easily, and the wires can also be placed inside plastic tubes.  Place houseplants on places or objects that are so high that the rabbit cannot reach them, as they may be toxic to rabbits, so care must be taken and the plants monitored if any of their leaves fall.

raising rabbits for pets

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 Information about rabbit

 Home furniture protection :

 By placing boards on the edges of furniture that may be exposed to placement by rabbits, paying attention to training the rabbit to quit such a habit.  Protect the lower parts of the beds and sofas by closing them with sheets of cardboard, in order to avoid taking these parts as a rabbit’s dwelling.

  Paste transparent plastic panels on the walls to protect the wallpaper from placement.  Rabbit care Rabbits need care and monitoring to ensure that they are always in the best condition.It is a good idea to monitor the rabbit’s behavior and general appearance.Among the health symptoms that may appear on the rabbit are spots that spread inside the ears،  Or diarrhea or discharge from the nose or eyes.It is also necessary to monitor the health condition of rabbits’ teeth, as dental problems are common among rabbits،  Although rabbits do not need many vaccines and vaccines, there are some important vaccines to protect them from deadly diseases, such as viral hemorrhagic disease, known as VHD،  You must consult a veterinarian to learn about the rabbit’s vaccines and the number of times it is vaccinated.You must also pay attention to its temperature, as the average normal temperature for rabbits is between 38.5 and 40 degrees Celsius،  Her heart rate if she is not exposed to stress is between 180 and 250 beats per minute.

  It is recommended to provide and prepare a suitable place for rabbits so that they are able to exercise whenever they want.Exercise is very important in raising rabbits as it helps young ones grow properly،  It also maintains the physical fitness of adult rabbits, while the appropriate period for rabbits to exercise per day is four hours per day, so this period is divided into morning and evening،  The exercises that a rabbit wants to do vary depending on its type and age, as young rabbits tend to be overactive, while large rabbits prefer to sleep, but this does not mean that they do not need to practice such exercises.

rabbit rearing manual 

trition: Nu

  Knowing the correct way to feed rabbits is very important, as diseases resulting from malnutrition are the most common among rabbits،  Therefore, care must be taken to establish a healthy diet for her, as any blockage in her digestive system can cause major health risks،  If the rabbit does not eat food for 12 to 24 hours, it must be presented to the specialist veterinarian immediately.Although rabbits are characterized as herbivores, that is, they eat plants،  But this does not prevent her from eating some other foods, such as roots, worms, snails, and tree bark.It is worth noting that rabbits use their sense of smell to learn about food and its location،  This is due to the rabbit's inability to see what is directly in front of it, as its eyes turn to the side.

  The rabbit is distinguished by having a digestive system that differs from that found in other mammals.The rabbit’s digestive system produces two types of feces, the first of which is dry feces found in its litter box،  While the other type, known as nocturnal feces or psychotropes, is considered one of the most important food sources for the rabbit, as the rabbit eats this type of feces because it contains important nutritional elements for its body،  The rabbit can also eat hay, which is considered an important source of fiber, which protects its intestines and enhances their function, while vegetables are considered an important source of providing rabbits with various nutrients and water،  It is preferable to serve various vegetables on a daily basis, taking care to choose those whose leaves are dark in color because they are rich in beneficial elements for rabbits.However, you must make sure to wash them well before serving them to the rabbit،  Including lettuce leaves, parsley, watercress, etc., and you should also avoid serving certain types of vegetables such as cabbage, beans, peas, potatoes, spinach, and others.

rabbits at home 

 Compound feed intended for agricultural rabbits can be added to their diet program because it contains many important vitamins and minerals،  However, it should be noted that relying on this type of food may cause harmful obesity in rabbits, and it is not suitable for rabbits found as pets, due to the high calories these grains contain،  Small amounts of fruits can be added to rabbits' diet, as those rich in fiber are considered the best types of fruits suitable for rabbits, such as seeded apples, pineapples, strawberries, peaches, and pears،  It is also necessary to avoid serving nuts, chocolate, or bread, pasta, and biscuits to rabbitsWhile adhering to everything mentioned, consideration should also be given to providing appropriate amounts of daily food to rabbits, as the rabbit needs food at a rate of 120 to 150 grams per meal served twice a day،  It should be noted that the amount of food varies depending on the stages of growth, and clean drinking water must be provided continuously.

rabbits at home


With my best wishes



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